On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:45:08 +0200
Jeroen Demeyer <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:

> On 2010-10-16 14:21, Burcin Erocal wrote:
> >  - look at newly submitted tickets, notify the related developers
> How are you going to figure out who the "related developers" are?

I'd say there is an unofficial list of people who care about bugs in
certain areas. The default assignments for the components on trac makes
some of these sort of official, but this system can definitely be
improved. (I certainly don't want to be the one to fix all the bugs in
the symbolics and calculus components.)

For a method anyone can follow to decide who might be the person to ask
about a problem reported to the issue tracker (after checking that the
problem is reproducible in the latest version), I suggest using
something similar to the method we suggest to find possible reviewers.

 - Look at the backtrace, find out which line of what file raises the

 - Look at the file in question and determine who wrote those lines
   (with hg annotate) or who contributed to the file in general

 - Notify two developers whose names come up

This process can be improved, to check if the error was raised by
unexpected input, if so, go up the stack trace and look at the previous

Once the real point causing the problem is identified, it would take a
developer much less time to fix it.

Note that this approach, if we can set it up properly, will free more
developer time. Indirectly, this could help with more bug fixes, better
reviews on patches, etc. since the "veterans" can use their time more


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