On 31 Okt., 11:53, David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> It might be useful if a test could be marked in some way with the
> release it was last changed in. Then add a target to the makefile
> which tests all new or changed  tests 1000 times, but does not test
> the old tests.

Feel free to write a script (or program) that does this.

If you've finished that, extend it to deduce if code a doctest uses /
depends on has changed, then if a system component that's used might
have changed (OS, libraries, hardware) and so on...


P.S.: To start with, 'hg annotate ...' shows:

 7099: def gen_ajtai(int d, float alpha):
10711:     r"""
10711:     Return Ajtai-like $(d x d)$-matrix of floating point
10711:     $\alpha$.  The matrix is lower-triangular, $B_{imi}$ is
10711:     $~2^{(d-i+1)^\alpha}$ and $B_{i,j}$ is $~B_{j,j}/2$ for $j<i
 7099:     INPUT:
 7099:         d -- dimension
 7099:         alpha -- see above
14968:     EXAMPLE::
10711:         sage: from sage.libs.fplll.fplll import gen_ajtai
12223:         sage: A = gen_ajtai(10, 0.7); A # random output
10711:         [117   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0]
10711:         [ 11  55   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0]
12223:         [-47  21 104   0   0   0   0   0   0   0]
12223:         [ -3 -22 -16  95   0   0   0   0   0   0]
12223:         [ -8 -21  -3 -28  55   0   0   0   0   0]
12223:         [-33 -15 -30  37   8  52   0   0   0   0]
12223:         [-35  21  41 -31 -23  10  21   0   0   0]
12223:         [ -9  20 -34 -23 -18 -13  -9  63   0   0]
12223:         [-11  14 -38 -16 -26 -23  -3  11   9   0]
12223:         [ 15  21  35  37  12   6  -2  10   1  17]
14968:         sage: L = A.LLL(); L # random output
10711:         [  4   7  -3  21 -14 -17  -1  -1  -8  17]
10711:         [-20   0  -6   6 -11  -4 -19  10   1  17]
10711:         [-22  -1   8 -21  18 -29   3  11   9   0]
10711:         [ 31   8  20   2 -12  -4 -27 -22 -18   0]
10711:         [ -2   6  -4   7  -8 -10   6  52  -9   0]
10711:         [  3  -7  35 -12 -29  23   3  11   9   0]
10711:         [-16  -6 -16  37   2  11  -1  -9   7 -34]
10711:         [ 11  55   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0]
10711:         [ 11  14  38  16  26  23   3  11   9   0]
10711:         [ 13 -28  -1   7 -11  11 -12   3  54   0]
10712:         sage: L.is_LLL_reduced()
10712:         True
10712:         sage: L.echelon_form() == A.echelon_form()
10712:         True

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