On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 06:44:01AM -0700, mhs wrote:
> Hi SAGE developers,
> I have a question regarding quotient fields of polynomial rings. I
> want to iterate a polynomial in two variables over a finite field and
> need to mod out higher powers. So I defined a finite field, a
> polynomial ring, a quotient ring and a polynomial in it:
> F.<a>=FiniteField(5)
> R.<t>=PolynomialRing(F)
> Q.<t>=R.quotient_ring(R.ideal(t^50))
> p=1+2*t^3+t^5
> Now doing p(p) SAGE tells me that p is not callable:

p(p) isn't well defined, because the answer depends on the exact
representatitive of the residue class given by the first p.(*)

This should work though:

pQ = Q(pR)

(*): For a simple example, consider polynomials in X, take p = 1+X and divide
by the ideal generated by X.

-Willem Jan

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