On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 9:10 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 7:27 PM, N. J. A. Sloane <n...@research.att.com> 
> wrote:
>> Announcement, Nov 17 2010: New Version of OEIS!
>> ===============================================
>> After 2 years of struggle, there is a new version of the
>> On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (the OEIS).
>> There are two parts: the main OEIS page, oeis.org,
>> which has all the sequence data, and a wiki, oeis.org/wiki,
>> which has discussion pages.
>> To contribute a new sequence or edit a sequence, you must first register
>> with oeis.org/wiki - click Register, enter your real name in 2 places,
>> enter your email address, etc. When you get issued a password,
>> go to the main page, oeis.org, and login with the same user name
>> and password.
> Hi,
> A strongly urge anybody considering registering at the OEIS site to

Quick update: I've had some offlist discussions with Neil, and he's
definitely interested in getting feedback from the community about the
OEIS license agreement; nothing is set in stone.   The OEIS foundation
has put significant work into the license terms, and the restrictions
were not aimed at all causing trouble for projects like Sage.
However, further discussion about an update to the license will have
to wait until next Monday, because of the holidays here in the US.

 -- William

> carefully read the new "OEIS conributor's license agreement", which
> you are forced to agree to when you register, even if you submit
> nothing.   In it, you'll find: ""Contribution" shall mean any past,
> present or future original work of authorship, including any
> modifications or additions to an existing work, that is intentionally
> submitted by You to the Foundation, or has been previously submitted
> by You to the Foundation or any predecessor version of the OEIS, for
> inclusion in, the OEIS.".      That's not necessarily so bad in
> itself.  However...
> If you read further you'll also learn at
> http://oeis.org/wiki/The_OEIS_End-User_License_Agreement  that there
> are now new and very significant restrictions on using OEIS content:
> "To make copies, distribute, make Adaptations and make copies of and
> distribute the Adaptations, of no more than 5% of the OEIS Content".
> This is in sharp contrast to how OEIS was before, where, e.g., there
> was a file  http://oeis.org/stripped.gz  that contained the sequences
> themselves.  (This matters to me, since we make them available for
> Sage, with a nice interface.)  This was an incredibly useful tool,
> since it meant that even without internet access (or in a secure
> closed network), one could do searches of OEIS, which is in my opinion
> a critical research tool that was built partly by the effort of the
> community (you).   Distribution of this stripped.gz file now appears
> to be illegal.
> I think the recent direction OEIS is going in is unfortunate.  It's
> the exact opposite of how, e.g., Wikipedia operates.  Anybody can
> mirror Wikipedia content, there is a complete 6GB tarball you can
> download that contains all article, etc.
> So before signing up for an account, and signing away the rights to
> all data or sequences you've submitted, please consider the above.
> I will not be registering or contributing to OEIS until the license changes.
>  -- William
>> Now when you look at a sequence, you will see "history" and "edit"
>> buttons next to the "graph" and "listen" buttons. The "edit" button
>> lets you edit the sequence. To submit a new sequence, use the "Submit
>> new seq." link at the bottom of any sequence page.
>> If you don't login, you won't see the edit button. All contributions
>> will be reviewed by the editors (if you would like to help
>> by becoming an editor, let me know).
>> That this works is due to the enormous efforts of Russ Cox,
>> who has completely rewritten all the OEIS software.
>> David Applegate has also been of great help in getting the new
>> system working.
>> Some 18 months ago we discovered that the mediawiki software
>> was incapable of handling the kind of queries that the OEIS generates.
>> I had almost given up hope that these problems would ever be solved.
>> But thanks to Russ, as of Nov 11 2010, oeis.org is finally running.
>> This means that after 46 years, I no longer have to process every single
>> contribution to the database.
>> Thank you, Russ and Dave: you have saved the OEIS!
>> In the Spring of 2009 we set up the OEIS Foundation,
>> a 501(c)(3) public charity, which owns, runs and collects
>> funds to support the OEIS. The web site is oeisf.org.
>> We need donations!
>> Neil Sloane
>> President, OEIS Foundation Inc.
> --
> William Stein
> Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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