On Dec 2, 8:52 am, jplab <jeanphilippela...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a student currently at Techniche Universität Berlin, so Polymake
> is quite the most "popular" software when dealing with polytopes as it
> was created here some years ago. I went through the threads about
> Polymake in Sage-devel... if I may summarize what I understood:
> -Polymake is an extensive software for anything dealing with polytope
> theory;
> -Its licence is not completely compatible with Sage, which makes it
> impossible to distribute Polymake within Sage;
> -It could still be added as a experimental sage-package;
> -The sage package is now broken;
> -It seems to be a pain to make in work with sage, on all platforms;
> -Polyhedron.py includes more and more "simple" functions that polymake
> offers;
> Was that all true?

I think so.  Another problem with Polymake, at least back when I was
considering starting from scratch within Sage, is that it takes quite
a while to compile.  With improvements in parallel building I'm not
sure that would be a real problem now.

The main license issue I'm aware of is with the JavaView program that
Polymake uses for visualization.  Its a little odd:

...and clearly incompatible with Sage.  That's a serious problem,
because the graphical tools of Polymake are one of its strong points.

> If I understood correctly, the trend now would be to implement
> gradually functions of polymake in native sage? Or there would still
> be an interest to include somehow Polymake in Sage?

I think it would be great to have at least a working experimental
package on some common platform (linux or OS X).

> I looked a bit at Polymake and using only Sage would make my life (and
> hopefully the life of others here) easier. If anyone is interested by
> Polymake/Sage, I would be interested to know what's your opinion, as I
> might like to collaborate to the Polyhedron class at some point!

That would be great.  I have taken a hiatus from active development,
but Volker Braun has made huge improvements and has more planned,
which he describes above.  I will be working with an undergraduate
student next semester on getting edge-unfolding algorithms into Sage,
and hopefully some other improvements like Blaschke sums and graphical

Besides the speed issues, which should be greatly improved by Volker's
PPL interface, please mention specific things that you think are

-M. Hampton

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