On Fri, 01 Apr 2011 00:37:46 +0100
"Dr. David Kirkby" <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:

> I've built Sage 64-bit on OpenSolaris but it crashes at startup. I've
> run gdb and find the bit of code that's causing the crash is this.
> ./devel/sage-main/sage/symbolic/function.cpp
>   /* "sage/symbolic/function.pyx":109
>   *                 raise ValueError,  real_fname + " parameter must
> be callable" *
>   *         if not self._is_registered():             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>   *             self._register_function()
>   *
>   */
> allows Sage to run. It's not 100% stable, but much better than before.
> Can anyone see if there might be something wrong with this code,
> which is causing Sage to segfault?

It might be due to the linker initializing the library in a different
order. Can you post a backtrace so we can see which function it is
trying to construct?

Moving the lines

# This must come before Calculus -- it initializes the Pynac library.
import sage.symbolic.pynac

in sage/all.py higher in the file might work around this problem. The
correct solution would be to import the offending function lazily or


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