On 04/17/11 10:28 AM, Jan Groenewald wrote:
Hi Dave

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 09:42:32AM +0100, David Kirkby wrote:
OK, its clear Python failed to build the crypt module. I assume this
means it found the bits to build it, but was unable to.

Full logs at 

The output of install.log is pretty useless if someone does parallel
builds of packages as the order of entries is essentially random.
I've not checked your log, but can you provide one of just the python
log in spkg/logs. That should show the problem, without downloading a
huge file filled with unnecessary things.

OK. I didn't realise parallel builds did that.
http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/sage/python-2.6.4.p9.log [444K]

They do. But even for serial builds, install.log is rarely necessary when the problem is clearly in one package.

It would also be helpful if you could download Python 2.6.4 from the
python web site and see if that builds this module. Also try for the
latest of the 2.x series.

If the problem persists when you try to build the latest Python 2.x,
then it might be worth reporting this to the python bug tracker, after
first checking to see if someone else has reported it.

I will do this after the ubuntu 11.04 distribution is actually released
(30 April). I am interested in sage building on that.

Though it would help if you could track this down before the release. If the latest Python 2.x will not build, then the Ubuntu developers should know about that before they release Ubuntu. They will care less about the older version in Sage.

Python bug tracker is not loading for me now. Google cached page is only loading
in text version. Original page I have not seen yet from google search for
"python bug tracker crypt.so failed to build" is at:

Try again. It is working for me and has a patch.

This could be something specific to Sage- we have made numerous
patches to Python 2.6.4, but it could be a more general problem. Try
googling to see if others have problems with the "crypt" module on
your release of the operating system.

I did, I only found several year old problems, most notably on gentoo
in 2005 due to a USE FLAG including hardened, building cvs, system python
2.3.4: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91130


I don't have much clue to be honest. This is a Python build issue, which could be due to a Sage patch, a broken (alpha) system or a Python bug. I think you will need to resolve this issue with the python support team. But it really needs testing the latest 2.x release of Python, otherwise I can't see the Python developers being that intersted.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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