On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Eviatar <eviatarb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, I see. It would be nice if Sage was more modular.
> Good luck with Qsnake!

And things like Qsnake are possible... because Python is very modular.

 -- William

> On Jul 22, 7:51 pm, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.cer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 6:19 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Eviatar <eviatarb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Just out of curiosity: why are you forking a separate project instead
>> >> of developing Sage?
>> > I think the main issue is that Sage contains a lot of dependencies and
>> > code that are not needed for people doing Finite Element Method (say)
>> > work.  But nonetheless, there are useful ideas in how Sage is
>> > constructed, which Ondrej's project also benefits from.
>> Also so that we can quickly release a new version, update a package
>> and so on. Also, what I did in Qsnake is that I wrote a completely
>> new build system (in pure Python, as one simple file) and also I have
>> added a lot of new packages, not in standard Sage.
>> By doing it separately, I can simply create a version, that "just
>> works". Plus I wanted to use git and github etc., as these tools make
>> me a lot more productive (subjective reason).
>> In any case, I have strictly stayed with the SPKG packages, so that
>> any improvements (let's say after my new packages mature) can be
>> incorporated in standard Sage, eventually.
>> So I view it as simply organizing the work, rather than a competing fork.
>> > As a related example, shortly after I started Sage (in 2005), Ondrej
>> > started Sympy (in 2006), which does symbolic calculus.   At least for
>> > a while, much of what Sympy did, one could do more quickly in Sage.
>> > That said, I just went to the app store recently and downloaded a
>> > program called PythonMath, which I find handy on occasion: it turns
>> > out PythonMath is basically Python + Sympy, which is _vastly_ easier
>> > to port to the iPhone than Sage.
>> Yes. For the kind of math that I do, in daily research (electronic
>> structure calculations and other quantum mechanics stuff), sympy
>> always worked great, and having no other depenencies than Python, it
>> was exactly what I always needed. For the kind of math that William
>> does, Sage has always worked much better. Also, sympy is just a
>> symbolic library (and that's it, so one has to use other libraries for
>> plotting, numerics, notebook...), while Sage is everything.
>> And thus the motivation for Qsnake --- to have a program, that
>> contains everything and "just works". I would put Qsnake on the same
>> level as psage:http://purple.sagemath.org/, if I understand the
>> motivation of psage correctly, it's aim is also to eventually
>> integrate the useful packages (once they mature from "research" to
>> "production") into Sage. Looking here:
>> http://purple.sagemath.org/goals.html
>> That's pretty much the same motivation for Qsnake. Except that I need
>> a different set of packages (and I need Fortran).
>> Ideally, there would be a huge repository of SPKG packages (just like
>> the huge repository that Ubuntu has, with almost everything), and one
>> could quickly install just what one needs. So I am trying to figure
>> this out too with Qsnake. But it's easier said than done.
>> Ondrej
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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