On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Justin C. Walker <jus...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Aug 3, 2011, at 07:13 , Simon King wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> On 1 Aug., 17:18, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
>>> On 8/1/11 7:19 AM, Simon King wrote:
>>>> sage-newbie, sage-solaris, sage-flame, sage-marketing and sage-edu
>>>> together made up for 133 posts in six months. Moving all of it to sage-
>>>> devel would mean an increment of about 4%. If part of it was moved to
>>>> sage-support instead, the increment would be even less.
>>> sage-flame is an important separate release valve for anything on sage
>>> lists.  I certainly don't think it should be merged with anything else.
>>> +1 for disbanding sage-marketing and merging that with sage-devel.  +1
>>> for disbanding sage-newbie (encourage sage-support instead) and merging
>>> sage-solaris with sage-devel, and maybe even merging sage-windows with
>>> sage-devel.
>> Then I ask directly:
>> 1. Is it technically possible to merge two existing Google groups?
>> 2. Do we want less Google groups for Sage?

I think the plethora of groups was in reaction to sage-devel having
1500+ messages/month, many of which were irrelevant to a plurality of
subscribers, and people simply couldn't keep up. We don't have that
issue as much.

> My take on the number of google groups is that often, multiple groups end up 
> on To/CC lists, which is a headache to those not subscribed (having to deal 
> with bounces).  So fewer is generally better.

+1. It also helps avoid with cross-posting and knowing where to send a message.

> I think combining sage-nt and sage-algebra is a good idea; adding in 
> sage-combinat-devel not so much.  My sense of the latter list is it's equally 
> divided in traffic between "broken queue", sage-combinat-specific topics, and 
> "categorical" threads.  If the latter could be taken to sage-devel (where 
> they seem to legitimately belong), that would be good.

I'd merge sage-nt, sage-algebra, sage-padics but the combinat lists
seem separate and active enough to merit their own group. sage-newbee
should probably get merged into sage-support, and groups like
sage-finance, sage-dsageng, sage-grid, debian-sage,
sage-temp-permgroup, etc. are low enough traffic that they should
probably just be closed and merged into sage-devel. sage-solaris
probably falls into this as well these days. Huge lists are bad; lots
of tiny lists are also bad.

I think it does make sense to have separate groups like sage-uw,
sage-daysN for very targeted audiences, and sage-flame should not in
my opinion be merged into sage-devel--it's a way of keeping the main
lists clean of offensive or unproductive (from the point of view of
sage) messages.

Personally, I just use labels and filters and tend to reply to
whatever list I got the message from.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 8:50 PM, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> On 8/3/11 11:07 AM, Johannes wrote:
>> I don't see a common ground for sage-develop and sage-maketing. Looks
>> like list should get mixed just to reduce the number of lists.
> I just posted a sage-marketing-material post on sage-devel about a flier I
> tweaked for mathfest.  You can see that there is some really good feedback
> about it.  I doubt those people would have seen it if I had just posted to
> sage-marketing.  Maybe the posters can answer for themselves.
> Just thought I'd throw in that data point.

I think the decision of where to post should be a question of
audience, not topic. In this case, even though marketing was the
topic, a large number of sage-devel readers would probably be
interested. A discussion on choosing adwords probably not so much.

- Robert

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