Hi William,
On Aug 16, 5:58 am, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If somebody walked up to *you* and asked: "Is Sage now a viable
> alternative to MATLAB?" what would you say?
> I'm especially interested in what people who do numerical/applied
> computation think.
> My answer: "It's very difficult for *me* to answer this question
> myself, because MATLAB is useless for most of my own
> teaching/research/work, but I realize it is very widely used in
> applied mathematics.   Based on going to Scipy and the resources I've
> seen online, it appears that the Numpy/Scipy stack is extremely useful
> to actual people doing numerical computation.      Maybe I'll try
> asking on sage-devel."

I am currently teaching numerical linear algebra at ANU (MATH3512:
Matrix Computations), using Trefethen and Bau's Numerical Linear
Algebra as a textbook. Trefethen and Bau, as you know, uses Matlab for
its examples and exercises. My course switched from Scilab (a Matlab
almost-clone) to Python/ IPython/ SciPy/ NumPy/ Matplotlib just this
year. Each year, one issue keeps repeating: there is a spread of
student backgrounds from non-programmer to programmer, and from non-
mathematician to mathematician. The non-programmers often say that
there is not enough explicit instruction in the programming aspects of
the course. The course currently includes about one hour of lecture
and 8 hours of computer labs devoted to learning programming, using
the Python platform mentioned above. The labs are based on 6 of the
tutorial worksheets written and used for MATH3511 Scientific
Computing, which also switched to Python this year. I am encouraging
my students to use ipython -pylab and to use NumPy matrices whenever
possible. They will also be using sparse matrices. I have also
demonstrated Sage to students in one of the computer labs.

The idea of using the Sage Notebook interface via the Web is quite
appealing, but I haven't tried switching the course to Sage because I
am afraid of the complications involved in rewriting the tutorial
materials and in running the labs. In particular, to run the labs
successfully, would I need to know all the peculiarities and pitfalls
involved in Sage coercion for linear algebra classes? Do matrices in
complex double precision and real double precision produce the same
results in Sage as the would using ipython -pylab ? Is it worthwhile
to study the algorithm implementations used by Sage, as opposed to
those in NumPy and SciPy alone?

Another issue is that students want to be able to run their numerical
software as standalone on their laptops. My course would need to help
them install Sage on Windows, Mac and possibly Linux. Right now, the
students are using Python directly on the Windows machines in the
labs, and using ssh on the Macs in the labs to connect to a Linux-
based cluster running Python, as well as running on their own laptops.
I have encouraged them to try the Enthought Academic Download, to ease
any installation difficulties.

These are questions which I did not give myself enough time to study
in the first semester before I had to start teaching in second
semester. Perhaps if I start now, I can obtain a clearer idea of how
to teach numerical linear algebra using Sage from next year onward.
Would participating in a Sage Days help?

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