On Sep 20, 10:20 am, jireva <jose.i.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The following creates three variables ``a``, ``b``, and ``c``::
>         sage: var('a, b, c')
>         (a, b, c)
> I would expect this to do the same thing::
>         sage: var(('a', 'b', 'c'))
>         (('a', 'b', 'c'))
> It doesn't, but that's not too big a problem...

It's actually just as big a problem as the third example you give:

sage: l=var(('a','b','c'))
sage: l
(('a', 'b', 'c'))
sage: type(l)
<type 'tuple'>
sage: l[0]
sage: l[1]
sage: l[2]
sage: [type(c) for c in l]
[<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>, <type
'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>, <type

What's happening is that "var" is simply taking "str" of its argument
and working with that.


should partly deal with the nasty bits of this problem.

The assumption that var(("a","b","c")) or var (["a","b","c"]) or
var("a","b","c") should be equivalent to

is not corroborated by the documentation, by the way. It specifies var
takes a single argument, s (a string). Therefore, its behaviour of
trying to make sense of its argument by applying "str" to it is not
entirely unreasonable, but it should be a little more careful throwing
errors on bad input.

One way of reading your proposal is to change the behaviour of
var(...) so that var(<iterable>) produces
tuple(var(v) for v in <iterable>).

One problem with this that strings *are* iterables, so this proposal
would be inconsistent with the current behaviour:

sage: tuple(var(v) for v in "a_long_variable")
(a, _, l, o, n, g, _, v, a, r, i, a, b, l, e)

Probably you'd have to specify the new behaviour for iterables
*except* strings. However, once input specs need exceptions, you're
probably doing something wrong,. Therefore, it's not so clear to me

sage: var(v for v in ('a', 'b', 'c'))

should do what you'd hope it does. Perhaps it should just throw an
error and only accept input that is obviously meant as a string.

[note, by the way that top-level "var" has the nasty side-effect of
inserting bindings in globals(). As soon as you're using "var" in
programmatic contexts it's probably safer to stick with SR.var(...) ]

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