The only real advantages of keeping the upstream sources packaged is
that (1) you can know what's in them, check md5sums, etc., and (2)
there's less chance of introducing hard-to-find errors by fat-
fingering a particular unpacked source file.  But I'm happy to unpack,

On Nov 15, 2:01 pm, Maarten Derickx <>
> > Hi,
> > there is another reason:
> > "tar" is not necessarily equal to "tar". The Sage build scripts try to
> > use only the most generic options, and provenly work on the supported
> > number of systems. If you provide some file tarred upstream, then this
> > might not be "out-of-the-box" readable by the system tar on some of
> > the supported platforms (think of e.g. Solaris). Sage could bring its
> > own tar with it to circumvent this problem, but up to now, there was
> > no real need for that.
> This is not a valid argument since all spkg files are already tarred and
> gnu tar is requiered on solaris anyway. Just to quote from
> $SAGE_ROOT/spkg/base/prereq-0.9-install
> if [ `uname` = "SunOS" ] ; then
>    if [ -z "`tar --version 2>&1 | grep GNU`" ] ; then
>       echo ""
>       echo "ERROR **********************************************"
>       echo "ERROR **********************************************"
>       echo "You MUST also use the GNU version of tar, as some parts"
>       echo "of the Sage source code are compressed tar files, which"
>       echo "were compressed with GNU tar. GNU tar does not produce"
>       echo "POSIX compliant tar files unless called with the --posix"
>       echo "option, so can not always be extracted with Sun's tar."
> Altough I do agree that the src directory should not be tarred. Mainly for
> the reasons by William. And since the spkg are tarred already there is also
> no benefit in size.

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