On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 01:25:47AM -0800, Simon King wrote:
> Matrix spaces of dense and sparse matrices are equal and are thus not
> unique parents:
>   sage: M1 = MatrixSpace(ZZ,2,sparse=True)
>   sage: M2 = MatrixSpace(ZZ,2,sparse=False)
>   sage: M1 is M2
>   False
>   sage: M1==M2
>   True
> Fine. But what should be really bad: They violate the assumption that
> equal objects have equal hash.
>   sage: hash(M1)==hash(M2)
>   False
> By consequence, the two equal matrix spaces will correspond to
> different items of dictionaries:
>   sage: D = {M1:1,M2:2}
>   sage: len(D)
>   2
> I think that it is an apparent bug.


> Therefore, at #12290, I am fixing the hash values (and moreover I
> speed-up the hash of matrix spaces considerably).


> However, it seems that the coercion framework relies on the bug.
> Namely, when fixing it, one gets
>   sage: A = matrix(ZZ, 5, range(30), sparse=False)
>   sage: B = matrix(ZZ, 5, range(30), sparse=True)
>   sage: C = matrix(QQ, 5, range(30), sparse=True)
>   sage: A.elementwise_product(C).is_dense()
>   True
>   sage: B.elementwise_product(C).is_sparse()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent
> call last)
>   ...
>   TypeError: no common canonical parent for objects with parents:
> 'Full MatrixSpace of 5 by 6 sparse matrices over Integer Ring' and
> 'Full MatrixSpace of 5 by 6 sparse matrices over Rational Field'
> The problem can be fixed by making matrix spaces unique parents (but I
> didn't check yet whether it creates other problems).
> Question to you: Do you see an obvious reason why matrix spaces should
> not be unique parents?

If at all possible, I for myself would rather have them as unique

On the other hand, I remember it was argued against it for
VectorSpaces: indeed users might want to create several copies of a
given vector space, in particular to use different scalar products. 
I don't know if there are similar needs/use for matrix spaces.

In the case of VectorSpaces, I would be more in favor of having unique
parents, and making the scalar product a part of the data to construct
the vector space. That is:

        VectorSpace(QQ,3, scalar_product=...)

would model QQ^3, *endowed* with the given scalar product, which is
different from QQ^3.

Also, we could still allow the user to create his/her private vector
space by specifying an extra key to the constructor (that's what
CombinatorialFreeModule does). But that might require some refactoring
and might break backward compatibility.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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