On 11/01/2012 11:46, Simon King wrote:
 2) A more general consideration: The coercion model prefers to have
 unique parents. But many people think that "A == B" should mean "A
 and B are canonically isomorphic", and not just "A is B". That could
 be solved by making the coercion model consequently use containers
 that compare by "is" and not by "==".

I'm not sure what you mean by ``making the coercion model use containers that compare by "is" and not by "=="'', but I'll just chime in as I think it could be related to something that I found.

Currently, if two parents A and B are equal according to "==" and no good coercion map is found, then A.coerce_map_from(B) returns A._generic_convert_map(B). In case of number fields, this means that if two number fields have same generator name and same defining polynomial, then the generators are identified by coercion. There is a NumberField example where this is incompatible with maps that I would consider natural. So in the NumberField case, I would prefer not to have a coercion in this case, but only a conversion.


PS. More specifically, the example is

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^2-2, embedding=-1)
sage: L.<b> = NumberField(x^2-2, embedding=1)
sage: xK = K['x'].gen()
sage: xL = L['x'].gen()
sage: M.<c> = NumberField(xK^2-3)
sage: N.<d> = NumberField(xL^2-3)
sage: O = M.absolute_field('e')
sage: P = N.absolute_field('e')
sage: b_in_a = K(0)+b
sage: map1 = O.structure()[1]
sage: map2 = P.structure()[1]
sage: b_in_a in map1.domain()
# True
sage: b in map2.domain()
# True
sage: map1(b_in_a) - map2(b)
# e^3 - 9*e, which is non-zero, so the maps don't commute!

The maps O <--> M <-- K <--> L --> N <--> P are natural (structure morphisms and coercions). The fields O and P have same generator name and same defining polynomials, hence O==P is True. However, O.structure() and P.structure() are distinct, which makes O._generic_convert_map(P) incompatible with the natural maps O <--> M <-- K <--> L --> N <--> P

So I would prefer there not to be a coercion from O to P. I'm fine with conversion.

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