On 03/01/2012 04:52 PM, William Stein wrote:
I'm sorry, but I still fail to see how situation :
sage contains all its deps (even if they're already there)
will be any better for subtle bugs than situation :
sage has the same deps, but doesn't manage them itself more than by
declaring them (and having the system packaging satisfy them).
Here's a rant about this (not written by me):
This is wrong for two reasons. The first is that it claims, "one bad
attempt failed, therefore, success is impossible."
The second is because it ignores the fact that you can specify package
versions in your dependencies (on Debian, and everywhere else). If you
specify that you need foo-x.y, your package manager will install foo-x.y
for you. It won't just use foo-w.z and break everything. You can have
both installed at the same time, even.
Oh, and we have a working counter-example.
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