On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 01:36:11AM -0700, Frédéric Chapoton wrote:
>    I have found the following wrong behaviour on sage 4.8, without
>    sage-combinat
>    sage: P=DiGraph([[0,1]])          
>    sage: Q=P.cartesian_product(P)
>    sage: len(Q.edges())         
>    0
>    The result is a disconnected union of 4 points.
>    This should be a directed square, with 4 edges.

Definitely a bug! Please open a ticket.

In the loop used to create the edges in the cartesian_product method,
only forward edges are considered, which is wrong for directed graphs:

        for i in range(len(verts)):
            for j in range(i): # j should range through all of verts!!!!!

Once the graph G is created, the whole end of this method would be
best rewritten as something like:

        G.add_vertices( (u,v) for u in self.vertex_iterator() for v in  
other.vertex_iterator() )
        G.add_edges( ((u,v), (u1,v)) for (u,u1) in self .edge_iterator() for v 
in other.vertex_iterator() )
        G.add_edges( ((u,v), (u,v1)) for (v,v1) in other.edge_iterator() for u 
in self .vertex_iterator() )

By the way: should cartesian_product handle labels?

>    By the way, I would like to use that to define the product of posets, by
>    taking the product of hasse diagrams. This may be useful to somebody else?

That's a rather fundamental operation on posets, so yes, definitely. I
am just not 100% sure about the name, since there are several possible
product orders (this one, lex, ...).

Note also that posets are parents. So they already are endowed with a
cartesian product construction, though at the moment the construction
is done only at the level of the category Sets:

    sage: P = Poset([[0,1], [[0,1]]])
    sage: Q = P.cartesian_product(P,P); Q
    The cartesian product of (Finite poset containing 2 elements, Finite poset 
containing 2 elements)
    sage: Q.category()
    Category of Cartesian products of sets
    sage: Q.__class__
    <class 'sage.sets.cartesian_product.CartesianProduct_with_category'>

It would be natural to implement the construction for posets too (by
adding a CartesianProducts nested class in the Posets category, and
implementing the comparison methods there). To get a full featured
poset, we probably want this method to return a FinitePoset; but this
is getting a bit tricky.

Hmm. For the moment, just implement cartesian_product as you meant to,
but either use another name for the method, or implement the n-ary
product, so as not to remove features from the current

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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