On May 21, 5:08 pm, Maciek Sykulski <macie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The old patch somewhat 
> works.http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/attachment/ticket/11436/trac_11436...
> It didn't apply automatically because the source in sage-5.0
> looks a bit different now:
> ---------
>     def _read_in_file_command(self, filename):
>         r"""
>         Return the R command (as a string) to read in a file named
>         filename into the R interpreter.
>         EXAMPLES::
>             sage: r._read_in_file_command('file.txt')
>             'file=file("file.txt",open="r")\nsource(file)'
>         """
>         return 'file=file("%s",open="r")\nsource(file)'%filename
> ---------
> Changing to>        return 
> 'file=file("%s",open="r")\nsource(file,print.eval=TRUE)'%filename
> doesn't do the trick, however reverting back to the old way, does:
> >        return 'source("%s",print.eval=TRUE)'%filename
> The error message in the notebook prints full %filename, however.

I bet this is debuggable without changing to the old syntax (which
change I assume was made for some good reason in one of the more
recent R fixes).  Can you put some of your experiments on that
ticket?  (Yes, this is a not-so-subtle ploy to get you to acquire a
Trac account and lure you into Sage development!)

Thanks for helping look at this,
- kcrisman

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