In the link i gave, both cbraid and braiding are mixed in a single
project, also called cbraid. So when i said cbraid i actually meant

So far, what i have done is specific for braids. A framework for more
general groups (artin or garside, for example) would require a
different project.

 7 jun, 22:10, kcrisman <> wrote:
> > With all that in mind, i considered cbraid as a good option, since it
> > is very fast, and small. Other option would be to try to optimize my
> > python code, but i think it will be always be slow. Maybe cythonizing
> > some parts of it would make it faster, but i have noted that
> > cythonizing code only leads to speedups when made very carefully.
> Also, would the project "Braiding" which uses cbraid be more useful as
> an optional/standard spkg?  I assume not, just asking.

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