Consider the following program

sage: G = graphs.OddGraph(4)
sage: G.spanning_trees_count()

It takes approximately 8 minutes to compute the number of spanning trees using 
this method. However, the number of spanning trees can be computed directly 
from the charpoly of the respective Kirchhoff matrix

sage: (G.kirchhoff_matrix()).charpoly().coeffs()[1]/35

which takes an instant (less than a second) to compute.

Looking at the way spanning_trees_count is implemented within, 
one can see:

     M2 = M.subdivision(1,1)
     return abs(M2.determinant()) # <-The abs() here is redundant someone 
should remove it

To speed the computation one can pass the parameter algorithm='padic' to the 
determinant() method and get the result of spanning_trees_count() instantly. 

That said, I am wondering if this is perhaps a bug in the default 
implementation of determinant()? It seems strange to me that it takes 8 minutes 
to compute a determinant of a 34x34 matrix while other algorithms do it within 
a second.

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