Interesting! I have also noticed that if I just slightly modify the matrix 
m2, it again works efficiently.

Will someone direct the pariGP guys to this issue?

On Thursday, 6 September 2012 17:03:59 UTC+2, D. S. McNeil wrote:
> > That said, I am wondering if this is perhaps a bug in the default 
> implementation of determinant()? 
> > It seems strange to me that it takes 8 minutes to compute a determinant 
> of a 34x34 matrix while other algorithms do it within a second. 
> Yeah, it looks like pari's Gauss-Bareiss takes forever on this matrix, 
> even though its classical Gaussian is quick: 
> sage: time m2._det_pari(1) 
> 336140000000000000 
> Time: CPU 0.00 s, Wall: 0.00 s 
> sage: time m2._det_pari(0) 
> 336140000000000000 
> Time: CPU 597.13 s, Wall: 597.10 s 
> Kind of funny: _det_pari(0) is so slow on this particular matrix that 
> it's five orders of magnitude faster to square m2 and take the root of 
> the determinant! 
> sage: %timeit (m2)._det_pari(1) 
> 125 loops, best of 3: 3.39 ms per loop 
> sage: %timeit (m2*m2)._det_pari(0)^(1/2) 
> 125 loops, best of 3: 5.92 ms per loop 
> Doug 

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