Le 02/01/2013 18:22, Nils Bruin a écrit :
On Jan 2, 5:29 am, Thierry Dumont <tdum...@math.univ-lyon1.fr> wrote:
The problem is that Python dictionaries are *very* slow. Do you know how
they are implemented?
That's an interesting observation. I think python developers have put
a lot of time into optimizing their dict structures, because they are
used *everywhere* in python itself (global variables and attribute
lookups are all dictionary based). The main hurdle for hash tables is
the computation of the hash function. So perhaps your indices are slow
to hash? Or perhaps your code is written in such a way that there's
quite a bit of allocation/deallocation for lookup of a key (e.g. the
construction of a tuple)?

I'll try to make precise measurements and comparisons, otherwise this discussion is non sense.... I ll do it, when I'll have time :-(

But anyway, why a hash table? In C++, to build these graph structures we are talking about, I only use B-Tree based structures, for which we only need to have an order (actually a weak ordering), and an order on pairs of integers is something simple to compute; also B-Trees allow much more memory locality than containers based on hash tables. If dict rely on hash tables (because we do not presuppose we have an ordering?--may be this is necessary for other purpose--) this is certainly slower...

I'll look a this...
For your application it seems you know a lot about the key format
beforehand, so it's possible that that allows a more efficient
implementation anyway. However, if you find yourself stuck with having
to use python dictionaries and you're unhappy with the speed, my guess
would be:
  - check if you can use/design a key that's fast to hash
  - check if you can carry around entire keys in your code (i.e., don't
pack/unpack into/from tuples all the time)
As far as hash tables go, Python dicts are supposed to be one of the
state-of-the-art implementations.

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