Dear all,

Thanks Nathann for starting the discussion (though I sometimes think that 
being a little less aggressive wouldn't hurt).

Let me start with what the positive sides of a combinatorial_map decorator 
are for us (and I think several of the combinat people do agree here):

- we obtain a better image of which maps between combinatorial collections 
exist (see in particular the graph at the bottom of, and the linked more detailed pdf, this is not 
only interesting for FindStat but provides a nice visualization of how many 
combinatorial objects in Sage are linked together),

- we can thus easier work on completing the picture. Indeed, we implemented 
many (~20-30 would be my guess, but I don't know) new maps between 
combinatorial objects that are interesting for combinatorialists (even 
those not interested in FindStat).

- we can automatize checks if maps do indeed map to the proper codomain 
(e.g., StandardTableau.conjugate
returned a Tableau, and not a StandardTableau as desired, see #14258),

- we can automatize many corner case checks (of course, such checks should 
as well go into the doctests, but if
we automatically apply all these maps on hundreds of elements including 
corner cases, we already found various bugs in the pre-existing code that 
were not captured by the doc tests, see e.g. #14724, #14718, #13624).

- we would like more mathematical information to the decorator (though this 
is not yet done). This would provide more refined automated requests like 
"Which bijections between Dyck paths and NoncrossingSetPartitions are 
implemented?". Currently, we can only ask "Which maps from Dyck paths to 
NoncrossingSetPartitions are implemented?", but I think that is nice to get 
as well.

Some words on the current implementation:

- I implemented the decorator word by word following the (old) 
cached_method decorator, this might have been good or not, but it was the 
best I was able to do.

- Nathann himself tested that the cost of the wrapper when calling the 
method is very much negligible, here is a test when creating the object

sage: class A:
....:     def a(self,x):
....:         return x

sage: class B:
....:     @combinatorial_map
....:     def b(self,x):
....:         return x

sage: %timeit AA = A()
1000000 loops, best of 3: 250 ns per loop

sage: %timeit BB = B()
1000000 loops, best of 3: 249 ns per loop

if there is any better test to check this issue, please do so.

Anyway, the current implementation might be good enough to use, or someone 
might provide a better implementation, but this is not the point for me, 
and - if I understand it right - it's not the point for Nathann either. Two 
of his point are yet to be answered/discussed a bit further:

"Right now, find_stat seems to work with decorators over Sage's functions. 
It is all very nice. But then whenever some addition must be made to 
find_stat's combinatorial maps there must be a corresponding Sage function, 
and I think that adding functions to Sage just because find_stat needs them 
is really going too far. "

My answer: it is right that - in the current implementation - we need to 
implement a map between combinatorial collections in Sage and decorate it 
with @combinatorial_map in order to use this map in FindStat. But we only 
want to use maps in FindStat that are interesting for mathematicians, and 
if this is the case, then it should be very valid to have this map as well 
in Sage. If anyone is interested I could provide a list with methods we 
implemented for (or better in) Sage because we wanted to have them in 
FindStat. We can then see if it would have better to implement all these 
maps in a different project without allowing Sage users to use them as well.

"But it is a website and an independent project, and I don't see why on 
earth Sage should now be developped according to find_stat's needs."

My answer: All we do is to decorate maps between certain combinatorial 
collections to provide further information about this map. We then use this 
information in FindStat, but this information is not only useful for 
FindStat (at least in my opinion), see as well my comments above about the 
"positive sides". There might be something not perfect in the actual 
implementation, but the so far discussed drawbacks seem to be very little, 
compared to the advantage that a user is e.g. not annoyed anymore that the 
conjugate of a StandardTableau is not standard anymore, or that there are 
now all these new maps between the objects implemented. Anyway, if there is 
a better way of achieving such possibilities I am very positive of doing so 
(though this will again use someone's time that she might want to use 
differently). And: we are Sage users and/or developers, so if we want Sage 
to do sth for us that doesn't hurt (@Nathann: except for philosophical 
reasons), I don't see the point of not getting Sage doing it for us (as 
others did similar things before, according to John Cremona and others 
comments earlier on this thread) and for the combinat community.

Finally, I think that the combinat part of Sage would have been less 
explored without the implementations done in the context of FindStat, and 
several combinatorialists only started implementing some maps or new 
combinatorial objects because FindStat uses them. So imho, the advantages 
outweigh the drawbacks by far, though there might be the point in 
minimizing the drawbacks even further.

Best, Christian

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