On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 1:07 AM, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 2:26 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Vincent Delecroix
>> <20100.delecr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> thought was that Sage is a math software, open source, with the aim of
>>> being a viable alternative to Ma*. There was no mention of a cloud
>>> which is just the incompatible with the open source project (as the
>>> FSF defines it).
>> Why do you think that the existence of "a cloud" that provides an
>> additional way to use Sage is compatible with Sage being an open
>> source project?    To me that's no different than claiming that the
>> existence of websites running on servers running Linux is incompatible
>> with Linux being an open source project.
>>> My very personal opinion is that the cloud is a bad
>>> way of making Sage popular: it makes the users dependent of a service.
>> If good = "not dependent"  and bad = "dependent", then indeed it is
>> bad.  I do not define good and bad that way.   I'm more concerned with
>> providing valuable services to people, making it easier for people to
>> get work done, and providing ways to collaborate.   I want to grow the
>> community of users of open source math software, and I'm probably not
>> the first person to realize that a website-based approach is a
>> powerful tool for addressing some of these goals.
>>> Up to now, I learned a lot with Sage and I hope that I contributed
>>> equivalently on teaching with it, going to Sage days, contributing
>>> with my code, etc. Sage was for me part of the public domain. If the
>>> cloud really becomes the main way of using Sage it will be for me like
>>> a dispossession. The cloud implies
>>>  - the obligation of using the cloud to share code
>>>  - no control on the execution of the softwares
>>>  - no direct access to the source code
>>>  - no way to use your own editor
>> These are all valid concerns for anybody choosing whether or not to
>> use Sage (or anything else) via any computer that isn't their own
>> personal computer.  Even if a large number of people were to someday
>> use Sage via the cloud, this doesn't mean that everybody does.  You
>> can -- and will *always* be able to -- use Sage in any way you want
>> (compatible with the GPL).     If many more people are using Sage (in
>> any way, cloud or not), then the number of contributions to Sage
>> itself will increase, the quality of Sage goes up, getting support for
>> Sage development gets easier, etc., which will mean that your personal
>> cloud-free use of Sage will be improved.   Everybody wins in the Sage
>> community wins.   User attention is a zero-sum game (unless there are
>> new markets), so somebody has to loose in this scenario--it isn't us
>> Sage users -- it's the Ma*'s.
> I actually don't think it's a zero-sum game; I'm hopeful Sage can also
> be useful to people who otherwise wouldn't even use a computer to do
> mathematics, and convenient/helpful enough for people to use computers
> for this kind of work even more. In other words, making the total pie
> bigger. Being a viable alternative to the Ma*s is at least as
> important to those who don't/can't have access to them as to those who
> do.

I view it the same way.

> It's worth pointing out that there is a risk here for "cloud-free"
> Sage. What you haven't done is clearly outline what part of the cloud
> product will be open and what parts won't be. At the one extreme, all
> the source, configuration, etc. is open and the value-add of the
> sagemath.com is a professionally-administered hosting with lots of
> hardware and support (which, yes, anyone could clone and try to
> compete with, though the "original" that devotes its profits to the
> improvement of Sage should attract the best/most devoted employees
> and, consequently, offer the best support). At the other end is a very
> closed system where bug-fixes and improvements to core Sage itself are
> withheld from the public version (which could be legal according to
> the GPL, if you're just distributing results, not code). My
> understanding is that the sagemath cloud won't live at either of these
> extremes, but I would consider it sad if peripheral things like the UI
> or better 3d graphics and interacts never made it out to the open
> source project.
> There's also the concern of lock-in. Ideally, a notebook could be
> created on the cloud, downloaded and run in a "cloud-free" way (say,
> on an airplane w/o internet, or on your department's latest hardware
> dedicated to your research, or over data to sensitive to trust to the
> cloud), then even re-uploaded. Delineating a concrete goal here would
> be good.

Cloud.sage now supports the IPython notebook, which has zero lock-in.
You can run exactly the same notebook locally, without internet access
(assuming of course that you have all the dependencies installed).

Before sage.cloud and ipython notebook a few years ago, even though I
really liked
the Sage notebook, it was only used for Sage, and so the community didn't
grow beyond it. I tried to disentangle it (with William's help), but it's really
really hard to build a thriving community. IPython, in the meantime,
has succeeded
in building a large community around the IPython notebook, and so it
is now my preferred notebook, since there is no lock-in into a
particular product
and people use it in various settings, including now the cloud.sage.

So I really like sage.cloud, after I realized that it has everything I
need for my work
(compilers, vim, git, ipython notebook, and I can easily compile the
rest myself).
>From my perspective, Sage is just another software stack, that I could use 
(I don't happen to be using it, but I could).

I like that I setup my development there, then leave one computer, start another
computer and I can continue exactly where I left off, in the same terminal.
Especially if you have to download & compile tons of stuff,
this *really* saves time for me.


> If the cloud offering becomes diverges too much or develops too many
> special features, and especially if the bulk of development happens in
> un-released code, the cloud-free parallel will languish. I don't think
> this will happen, and it won't if it's concisely avoided, but it is a
> risk with this kind of project.
>> Today there are n ways to use Sage.  I hope tomorrow there will be n+1
>> ways to use Sage.   If anybody out there can think of any new ways of
>> making any form of open source math software more accessible, I think
>> we should all strongly encourage them.
>>> Moreover, using some energy to develop the cloud really prevents from
>>> having other important Sage projects going on.
>> I don't know how to respond to this, since there are a lot of implicit
>> assumptions that you're making to deduce some conclusion. It's like
>> saying "I'm assuming a bunch of things I don't mention are true.
>> Hence [some statement]."
> The sagemath cloud *is* a significant investment of resources
> (especially your time and energy) that could be spent elsewhere.
> Whether that's worth it is, ultimately, your call for your own
> personal investment (though it does have a network effect).
> Personally, I am supportive of the effort, for the reasons you give
> below. I've had longer to think about this than most.
> I think to grow from 10,000 to 100,000 and 1,000,000 users (think high
> school and college students, not just mathematicians) we need to have
> a scalable, zero-hassle notebook, preferably with online development
> capabilities. Though the (average) per-user cost of this system should
> be relatively low, the aggregate cost is likely too high to be
> supported by volunteers (system administration is not as
> "embarrassingly parallel" as producing code) or simply absorbed in the
> operating costs of, say, the UW math department. A host of
> universities/departments/professors each running their own notebook
> server is an alternative model, but I don't think that's feasible
> (it's almost what we have now) and has a lot of drawbacks.
> A foundation that supports a product, brings in revenue, and pays
> developers does not actually have to be for-profit, though setting up
> and administering a non-profit comes with many more regulations.
> Another thing to keep in mind is that official support of this kind is
> not about charging people for something we could offer for (nearly)
> free--it also provides a mechanism for people who want to support Sage
> to do so in a "standard" way. Millions of dollars are spent each year
> on software licenses, and even if someone wanted to use part of their
> budget for Sage instead you can't "just donate" to a non-profit out of
> these budgets without major accounting hassle, if at all. Also, it
> provides a mechanism to be reimbursed for the actual expenses of
> power-users (and incentive for them to be aware of/conserve resources
> if cost is an issue), plus maybe a little to support many non-power
> users.
>> Sometimes it is a good idea to invest in new directions that have a
>> potentially big payoff.  The odds are probably at best 1 in a 100, but
>> in the long run https://cloud.sagemath.com could provide substantial
>> funding that will increase the potential for other important open
>> source math software projects to happen.     I can think of numerous
>> skilled professional software engineers with math Ph.D.'s who would
>> love to work fulltime on core Sage development work if there were any
>> way they could be paid a salary that is comparable to what they get
>> working in industry.  Unfortunately, without the level of support that
>> would come from a successful company, I see no way that we'll have
>> even one single fulltime professional working on Sage longterm.    I
>> don't think Sage *needs* such development effort, but I think we can
>> all agree that Sage would benefit from it.
>> I also think that professional customer support, which is something
>> that by definition only a company can provide, should be viewed as a
>> central part of the mission statement of Sage: "provide a viable ...
>> alternative to Mathematica, Maple...".    Paid support is probably not
>> important for anybody reading this message -- we're a few thousand
>> core highly technical developers -- but its existence is critical to
>> any "viable alternative" when you grow way beyond 10,000 users.   As
>> an example, R -- which is the only open source math software to go
>> truly mainstream -- has good commercial support available.
>>> I am not an extremly active developer of Sage nor actively involved in
>>> Sage politics. Nevertheless, I am a Sage enthousiasts and try to
>>> spread it as much as I can. Fundings is definitely an important
>>> problem. Could somebdoy help me on the following two questions
>>>  - how is decided where the money of the Sage fundation goes ?
>> I decide often in consultation with other Sage developers.   The bulk
>> of contributions to the Sage Foundation are earmarked for a specific
>> purpose, e.g., "fund this workshop" or "fund the Jaap Spies Sage
>> Development Prize this year".    The Sage Foundation budget is a small
>> proportion of the total funding that has been used for Sage
>> development.   The bulk of Sage funding has been by the NSF (and other
>> institutes, in both the US and Europe) in the form of workshops and
>> some summer support (but always in combination with some other
>> research objective).
>>>  - is there a public access to the incomes and outcomes of the Sage 
>>> fundation ?
>> No.
>>> From my french viewpoint Sage is spreading. From this year Ma* are not
>>> anymore allowed for the main teachers recruitment examination and Sage
>>> is precisely one of the alternative. This implies that many
>>> universities in France will switch from Ma* to Sage. This goes
>>> slowly... but safely.
>> I'm very happy to hear about this, and everything I've seen strongly
>> suggests that Sage is doing well in France.   That said, I have to
>> face the unfortunate reality that judging by website visit and
>> download numbers, the Sage project is simply not growing much overall
>> in usage.
>>>>> I do not want to start a flame or attack anyone, and i have absolutely no
>>>>> problem with the fact that a company host a cloud running Sage (and even
>>>>> donate some income to Sage).
>>>> A company doesn't host a cloud running Sage, and there is no income.
>>>> That said, after getting funding in various ways over 8 years for this
>>>> project, I think the only hope Sage has of breaking into mainstream
>>>> usage is with such a commercial component.  This is why I hope to
>>>> create such an entity when there is appropriate technology and a
>>>> business model.
>>> Ok. But that is a personnal point of vue. I thought that Sage was the
>>> project of 400 developers and thousands of users...
>> I have a different perspective.  For the first year it was the project
>> of one developer and one user: me; but a project that is built on top
>> of the work of hundreds of other developers.   For the second year, it
>> was the product of 3 developers and 3 users (me, David Kohel, and
>> David Joyner).   For the third year, there were a few more
>> developers/users.  Etc.  Now I'm happy that there are around 400
>> developers listed on trac.  And I'm happy to have set things up so
>> that we all share the copyright on Sage, and no individual pr company
>> can automatically control the future of the Sage program (e.g., there
>> can never be a dual-licensed closed source version).
>> But *any* company who wants to can, at any time, take Sage the program
>> and use it as a backend for a website.   And that website could have
>> millions of users.  If Google wanted to have millions of people doing
>> complicated calculations you type in the search bar get evaluated
>> using Sage, they could, without paying any of us 400+ developers one
>> penny.  That's completely legal, and in no way circumvents the GPL or
>> Sage being an open source project.   And by using the GPL, we
>> developers are making a legal statement that we understand and support
>> this.
>> If you replace "Sage" by "Linux" in the above paragraph, and
>> "millions" by "billions", you have what is really happening every day.
>> Also, I would like you to consider many of your concerns above with
>> "Sage" replaced by "Linux".  Is it so bad that billions of people are
>> using websites that are backed by the GPL'd program "Linux"?  No --
>> this is one of the reasons that Linux (at least at the server at
>> smartphone level) gets so much development support.
>> -- William
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