On Friday, March 21, 2014 9:31:40 PM UTC+1, Evan Oman wrote:
> Alright here is the latest error after running the -b version of build, 
> doesn't mention any dll's but is it the same issue? 
> Compiling sage/ext/interpreters/wrapper_el.pyx because it changed.
> Cythonizing sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 536, in <module>
> Cythonizing sage/gsl/interpolation.pyx
>     force=force)
>   File 
> "/home/evan.oman/sage-6.1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py",
> line 747, in cythonize
> Cythonizing sage/media/channels.pyx
>     pool.map(cythonize_one_helper, to_compile)
>   File 
> "/home/evan.oman/sage-6.1/local/lib/python/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 
> 250, in map
> Cythonizing sage/rings/number_field/totallyreal.pyx
>     return self.map_async(func, iterable, chunksize).get()
>   File 
> "/home/evan.oman/sage-6.1/local/lib/python/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 
> 554, in get
>     raise self._value
> AttributeError: 'Cython.Plex.Actions.Call' object has no attribute 
> 'perform'
No idea at first...

FYI, I successfully compiled 6.2.beta5 within a 32 bit Windows XP VM using 
the fix for bzip2 at http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15967 (and nothing 
more IIRC).
Wouldn't you mind trying to follow the same route?
It should be easier to debug.
(On Windows 7, you would also need http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15339 or 
pass SAGE_TUNE_GF2X=no which should disable tuning and give you a slower 
GF2X but easier to get compiled.)

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