Dear all,

> I am attempting to follow the developer guidelines and after applying for 
> a trac server account it is recommended to email this list with some 
> details of what I hope to do before opening a ticket.
> If it sounds like a good idea I'd like to open tickets with an aim to 
> develop some Game Theoretic capabilities in to Sage. Loosely this would 
> include the following:
> - A general class for a general game object,
> - Classes for cooperative games,
> - Class for matching games
> - Classes for normal form games,
> Most of this is relatively simple to do however methods to solve normal 
> form games would require new algorithms to be written and/or and adaption 
> of the lrs package ( (that I 
> understand 'lives' in Sage already somewhere...)

We've already corresponded about this privately, but I wanted to publicly 
support this proposal and offer help with it, given that it is a lot closer 
to my current research than anything else in Sage ;-)  In particular, I 
think it is very important to think carefully about exactly how subclassing 
can work so that the most stuff is available for later additions.  For 
instance, one would be interested in making sure that any potential 
symmetries on games could be activated/used.   I'll be interested to see 
how you make a class general enough for both the cooperative and 
non-cooperative theory!  Good luck.

Re: Gambit: "Gambit is Free/Open Source software, released under the terms 
of the GNU General Public License, Version 2."  Would that then only be an 
optional package, license gurus?  It also seems to have an interface with 
lrs - 
 At least compiling and its Python extension seems straightforward enough, 
also doesn't work on Windows without Cygwin, so it must be a perfect match 

In fact, they have several GSOC proposals this 
year: Plus 
it's led by other UK people.  I think it would really be worth looking into 
whether this is worth using the Python API for, even if it means changing 
your summer student's work description to at some point check out how much 
of what you want to do is a) already doable and b) could be "Sageified" 
without too many hoops.

Anyway, no matter what the status of Gambit, this is a very good idea, 
because I want to be able to convince people in my field that computation 
is important.  (Well, some people already think it is! But I want more.)

- kcrisman

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