Hello Bruno,

* Bruno Grenet <bruno.gre...@gmail.com> [2014-06-12 13:47:59 +0200]:

> Now comes my question, which is basically: How to introduce this new code
> into Sage?
> [...]
> What I'd like to do is to branch a new algorithm there. So my more specific
> question: Where should the new algorithm go? A solution may be to have
> somewhere a specific code for the sparse polynomials over ZZ, and there put
> a a function roots(self,multiplicities=True) to avoid going into the "big"
> roots function from rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx.
Since your algorithm is specific to the ring Z your code should probably
go there. A ring can define a method _roots_univariate_polynomial()
which will be called by the generic method roots(). There you could
check whether the polynomial is sparse and use the algorithm you
implemented or the generic _roots_from_factorization().

> I have side questions, which may improve my code (or my tests):
> [...]
> - The algorithm I implemented uses some auxiliary functions that are not of
> real interest outside the algorithm. How should I do to avoid this functions
> be available for the users?
If you turn these auxiliary functions into methods of the ring Z, you
can hide them by adding a single (or double but many people dislike
this) underscore to the method name. If they are only used by your
method to compute roots, you could probably name these methods


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