* Bruno Grenet <bruno.gre...@gmail.com> [2014-06-19 09:21:29 +0200]:
> Le 17/06/2014 00:01, Julian Rüth a écrit :
> >In your case you would add a method _roots_univariate_polynomial to
> >sage.rings.integer_ring.IntegerRing_class.
> I have the following problem using this strategy of a
> _roots_univariate_polynomial method. The new algorithm I add only deals with
> a very specific case, namely integer roots of integer sparse polynomials. In
> the method _roots_univariate_polynomial of the IntegerRing_class, what I'd
> like to do is in some sense to test whether ring=self (that is we want
> integer roots) and whether the polynomial is sparse, and if it is not the
> case to call back the roots method. Of course, this would create an endless
> loop... The other solution is to copy-paste the code of the roots method
> corresponding to an integer input polynomial into the new
> IntegerRing_class._roots_univariate_polynomial method. Is this second
> solution acceptable? My concern is that duplicate code does not seem a very
> nice idea ;-).
It makes sense that _roots_univariate_polynomial can somehow call the
generic implementation. If the code that you would copy is specific to
integer polynomials, then it should go into
_roots_univariate_polynomial() anyway. Otherwise copying it is not such
a nice idea. The easiest solution is probably to modify roots() to look
at the return value of _roots_univariate_polynomial(): if it is None,
run the generic code, otherwise return whatever
_roots_univariate_polynomial() computed.


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