On Mon, 4 Aug 2014 06:57:20 -0700
William A Stein <wst...@uw.edu> wrote:

> This is absolutely not how Sage should behave.   The fixes I can
> think of:
>   (1) Run "sage -b" as part of installing any package that requires it
> for the install to finish.  Your argument not to run "sage -b" isn't
> convincing, because the user is explicitly installing a package
> anyways, so they are potentially changing things all over Sage.   Or,
>   (2) Tell people they have to run "sage -b" clearly in the package
> install message.  This won't work, because after 20 pages of build
> output, nobody is likely to read this.  Or,
>   (3) Instead of telling the user to reinstall the missing package (in
> minisat say), actually give a useful error message, instead of a
> totally wrong one.  E.g., check to see if the minisat library is
> installed, but the cython module isn't built.   I don't like this
> since it is fragile.
> So (1) is the best solution I can think of, and solves all cases of
> this problem for all packages that have it.

There is one more option:

(4) include the relevant python/cython code in the package, build
    and install it with the package.

This thread is relevant, even though I misinterpreted the original
question and dragged it in this direction:


> >
> > I would not be in favour of automatically running "sage -b" since
> > you might want to install several packages but run "sage -b" only
> > once, you might want to do something else like checking out some
> > git branch (after which you need to do "sage -b" anyway) and it
> > wouldn't work for standard packages as you said. I would also
> > advice against doing "sage -b" while Sage is running, so the
> > install_package() Sage command couldn't do it.


Running "sage -b" does not guarantee that the module will be built.
Sage source tree might be in a broken state due to user modifications.


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