On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 9:54:02 PM UTC-7, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:57 PM, rjf <fat...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, August 7, 2014 10:55:37 PM UTC-7, Robert Bradshaw wrote: 
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 9:02 AM, rjf <fat...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 8:11:21 PM UTC-7, Robert Bradshaw wrote: 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >> The are two representations of the same canonical object. 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > The (computer algebra) use of the term, as in "simplified to a 
> canonical 
> >> > form"  means 
> >> > the representation is canonical.  It doesn't make much sense to claim 
> >> > that 
> >> > all these 
> >> > are canonical:   1+1, 2,  2*x^0,  sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2 + exp(0). 
> >> 
> >> The point was that there's a canonical domain in which to do the 
> >> computation. 
> > 
> > I have not previously encountered the term "canonical domain".  There is 
> > a CAS literature which includes the concept of simplification to a 
> canonical 
> > form. 
> > There is also a useful concept of a zero-equivalence test, whereby E1-E2 
> > can be shown to be zero, although there is not necessarily a 
> simplification 
> > routine that will "canonically simplify"  E1  to E3 and also E2 to E3. 
> You have to think beyond just the limited domain of a computer *algebra* 
> system. 

Actually I am thinking in terms of computer representation, not just a CAS.
You appear to be thinking in some extra-computational way that bits are not 

There is a quote from Lewis Carroll's Humpty Dumpty, to the effect that
words mean whatever he says they mean,… who, after all, is the master.

You and I apparently disagree about the term "canonical".

> If I want to do arithmetic between a \in Z and b \in Z/nZ, I could 
> either lift b to Z or push a down to Z/nZ. Only one of these maps is 
> canonical. 

I don't know about canonical maps.  The term "canonical representation"
makes sense to me.

> >> We also have an object called the ring of integers, but really it's 
> >> the ring of integers that fits into the memory of your computer. 
> >> Should we not call it a Ring? 
> > 
> > The domain of arbitrary-precision integers is an excellent model of the 
> > ring of integers.  It is true that one can specify a computation that 
> would 
> > fill up the memory of all the computers in existence. or even all the 
> atoms 
> > in the (known?) universe.  Presumably a well-constructed support system 
> > will give an error message on much smaller examples.   I assume 
> > that your Real Field  operation of   division would give an error if the 
> > result is inexact. 
> Such a system would be pedantic to the point of being unuseful. 

Quite the contrary. IEEE 754 specifies an "inexact" flag.

> ….snip...


> > or  log(-1)  when you were first introduced to log? 
> >> 
> >> Only being able to store 53 significant bits is completely analogous 
> >> to only being able to read 3 significant (decimal) figures. 
> > 
> > 
> > Actually this analogy is false.  The 3 digits (sometimes 4) from a slide 
> > rule are the best that can be read out because of the inherent 
> uncertainty 
> > in the rulings and construction of the slide rule, the human eye reading 
> > the lines, etc.   So if I read my slide rule and say 0.25  it is because 
> I 
> > think 
> > it is closer to 0.25  than 0.24 or 0.26   There is uncertainty there. 
> > If a floating point number is computed as 0.25, there is no uncertainty 
> in 
> > the representation per se.  It is 1/4, exactly a binary fraction, etc. 
> > Now you could use this representation in various ways, e.g. 
> > 0.25+-0.01    storing 2 numbers representing a center and a "radius" 
> > or an interval or ..../   But the floating point number itself is simply 
> > a computer representation of a particular rational number    aaa x 2^bbb 
> > Nothing more, nothing less.  And in particular it does NOT mean 
> > that bits 54,55,56... are uncertain.  Those bits do not exist in the 
> > representation 
> > and are  irrelevant for ascertaining the value of the number aaa x 
> 2^bbb. 
> > 
> > So the analogy is false. 
> I would argue that most floating point numbers are either (1) 
> real-world measurements or (2) intermediate results, both of which are 
> (again, likely) approximations to the value they're representing.

You could assert this, but what is the point?  You might as well assert
that the computer number system consists of the integers 1,2,3, infinity, 
(according to George Gamow) that's what some humans use for counting.

> they are measured/stored, they are truncated due to the "construction 
> of the [machine], the [sensor] reading the [values], etc." Thus the 
> analogy. 

Since the computer has no inherent way of recording in a floating-point 
number anything more than a single exact rational number, that is the 
starting point for arithmetic.  If you want more information about the 
possible error, you record TWO numbers.   

> > On the other hand, the 
> > 
> >> 
> >> I think 
> >> the analogy is very suitable for a computer system. It can clearly be 
> >> made much more rigorous and precise. 
> > 
> > What you are referring to is sometimes called significance arithmetic, 
> > and it has been thoroughly discredited. 
> > Sadly, Wolfram the physicist put it in Mathematica. 
> Nope, that's not what I'm referring to. 
Can you provide a reference for what you ARE referring to?

> >> Or are you seriously proposing when adding 3.14159 and 1e-100 it makes 
> >> more sense, by default, to pad the left hand side with zeros (whether 
> >> in binary or decimal) and return 3.1415900000...0001 as the result? 
> > 
> > 
> > If you did so, you would preserve the  identity  (a+b)-a   =  b 
> > 
> > If you round to some number of bits, say 53,  with a=3.14159  and 
> b=1e-100, 
> > the left side is 0, and the right side  is 1e-100.  The relative error 
> in 
> > the answer 
> > is, um, infinite. 
> > 
> > Now if the user specified the kind of arithmetic explicitly, or even 
> > implicitly 
> > by saying "use IEEE754 binary floating point arithmetic everywhere" then 
> > I could go along with that. 
> You would suggest that this be IEEE754 be requested by the user 
> (perhaps globally) before using it? Is that how maxima works? (I think 
> not.) 

Numbers that appear with a decimal point are read in as the default float 
of the underlying lisp system, which is, so far as I know, IEEE754 double, 
in one form or another in the systems in which Maxima generally runs.   
There are options for higher precisions in some lisps.  If a number is 
written as say 1.3b0   then Mxima's software big floats are used.

> >> > So it sounds like you actually read the input as  13/10, because only 
> >> > then 
> >> > can 
> >> > you  approximate it to higher precision than 53 bits or whatever.   
> Why 
> >> > not 
> >> > just admit this instead of talking 
> >> > about 1.3. 
> >> 
> >> In this case the user gives us a decimal literal. Yes, this literal is 
> >> equal to 13/10. We defer interpreting this as a 53-bit binary floating 
> >> point number long enough for the user to tell us to interpret it 
> >> differently. This prevents surprises like 
> >> 
> >> sage: RealField(100)(float(1.3)) 
> >> 1.3000000000000000444089209850 
> >> 
> >> or, more subtly 
> >> 
> >> sage: sqrt(RealField(100)(float(1.3))) 
> >> 1.1401754250991379986106491649 
> >> 
> >> instead of 
> >> 
> >> sage: sqrt(RealField(100)(1.3)) 
> >> 1.1401754250991379791360490256 
> >> 
> >> When you write 1.3, do you really think 5854679515581645 / 
> >> 4503599627370496, or is your head really thinking "the closest thing 
> >> to 13/10 that I can get given my choice of floating point 
> >> representation?" I bet it's the latter, which is why we do what we do. 
> > 
> > I suspect it is not what python does. 
> It is, in the degenerate case that Python only has one native choice 
> of floating point representation. It's also what (to bring things full 
> circle), Julia does too. 
> > It is what Macsyma does if you write 1.3b0   to indicate "bigfloat". 
> You're still skirting the question of whether *you* mean when you write 
> 1.3. 

 It is irrelevant in general what I mean; the questions seem to be what is 
mathematically appropriate and/or what does the user expect.

Depending on what computer system I am using, I expect different semantics 
for 1.3 --- FORTRAN/LISP/Mathematica/Maxima/MockMMA.

For example, in MockMMA, a system I wrote, 1.3  is exactly 13/10.
In FORTRAN  1.3d0  and 1.3e0 mean possibly different things.
In Mathematica, 1.3 means different things depending on how many zeros
follow it.
1.3000000000000000000000   vs



> - Robert 

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