On Saturday, August 9, 2014 7:35:13 PM UTC-7, Erik Massop wrote:
> ....

> Similarly I would call RealField(prec) a field, because it represents 
> the field of real numbers (e.g. Dedekind cuts). At the same time I am 
> sure that some mathematical properties that I know from the mathematical 
> field of real numbers will not hold in RealField(prec). 

So it seems to me that you should not call it a Field.

Here's the inverse.  Or maybe contrapositive.  As a riddle:

How many legs does a sheep have if you call its tail a leg?
(Answer later...)

> Luckily Sage 
> readily admits that RealField(prec) is not an exact representation of 
> the mathematical field of real numbers: 
>   sage: F = RealField(100) 
>   sage: F.is_exact() 
>   False 

Hardly luck, but random insertion of a fact in a way similar to the riddle.
(Answer later)

> I agree that it is imprecise that when using F.is_field(), we are 
> asking whether the mathematical object of real numbers is a field, while 
> when using F.is_exact() we are asking whether the representation is 
> exact. 
> By the way, there also is AA or AlgebraicRealField() in Sage, which is 
> an exact representation of the real closed field of algebraic real 
> numbers. 
> ... 
> > The domain of arbitrary-precision integers is an excellent model of 
> > the ring of integers.  It is true that one can specify a computation 
> > that would fill up the memory of all the computers in existence. or 
> > even all the atoms in the (known?) universe.  Presumably a 
> > well-constructed support system will give an error message on much 
> > smaller examples.   I assume that your Real Field  operation of 
> > division would give an error if the result is inexact. 
> RealField(prec) is an inexact approximation of a field (as witnessed by 
> is_exact), so I never expect the division to be exact.

Oh, so it just gives wrong answers without a clue.

> In fact I don't 
> expect addition, negation, multiplication, or subtraction to be exact 
> either. Indeed, they are not exact: 
>   sage: a = 1e-58 
>   sage: a 
>   1.00000000000000e-58 
>   sage: (1+a)-1 
>   0.000000000000000 

That's because it is not a field, and you know it.  So why call it a field?

> > > > > > Does Sage have other um, approximations, in its nomenclature? 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Sure. RealField(123)[x]. Power series rings. P-adics. 
> > > > 
> > > > These approximations are approximations by their nature.  If you 
> > > > are computing with a power series, the concept inherently includes 
> > > > an error term which you are aware of.  Real Field is (so far as I 
> > > > know) a concept that should have the properties of a field.  The 
> > > > version in Sage does not. It's like saying someone isn't pregnant. 
> > > > well only a little pregnant. 
> > > 
> > > They're no more approximate by nature than the real numbers. 
> > 
> > Huh?  How so? I was not aware that real numbers (at least the ones 
> > that you can construct) are approximate by nature.  But maybe you 
> > can direct me to some reference on this. 
> What do you mean by "can construct"? The computable reals perhaps? Those 
> would indeed form an actual field. I am very unsure about how practical 
> they are though. 

How about the rational numbers?  Those you can easily construct.
The computable reals are not fun to compute with in most "application" 

> Might we then not also have a ring of computable power series? That is, 
> those power series given by an algorithm that given n returns the n'th 
> term in finite time? 

It is not usually phrased that way, but given a collection of base 
functions as explicit power series
and operations like composition, there is a computational domain of 
truncated power series.
It is usually set up to NOT be a ring because of truncation issues.

> ... 
> > > Power series (to make things concrete, say the power series in one 
> > > variable over the integers) form a ring. 

For any choice of 
> > > representation some of them can be represented exactly on a 
> > > computer, most can't. When doing computations with power series one 
> > > is typically chooses a precision (e.g. how many terms, not unlike a 
> > > choice of number of bits) to use. 
> > 
> > Truncated power series with coefficients that are typically exact 
> > rational numbers  (but could be, you say , elements of a finite field) 
> > form a computation structure that has exact operations.   Just because 
> > you associate some other concept that is outside the computer with 
> > that TPS  doesn't mean the TPS is approximate. 
> I would argue that a ring of truncated power series with rational 
> coefficients is an inexact representation of the ring of (untruncated) 
> power series with rational coefficients, just as RealField(prec) is an 
> inexact representation of the field of real numbers. 

Well then, I would argue that it is not.  It is a computational domain
with its own useful properties that can be nicely characterized, and
happens not to be a ring.

> It is important to realize that my use of "inexact" here refers to 
> TPS/RealField(prec) as a representation of the ring of (untruncated) 
> power series with rational coefficients/the field of real numbers, and 
> not to TPS/RealField(prec) itself. 

Basically, this is analogous to saying that floating point numbers
form a field, which they don't.  Let the coefficients be 0 or 1, and the
base of the power series x is 1/2.

or maybe p-adics.

> The object PowerSeriesRing(QQ, 'x') in Sage is not a ring of truncated 
> power series QQ[x]/x^n. In it not a ring at all. In fact == is not even 
> transitive: 
>   sage: R.<x> = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, 'x') 
>   sage: a = O(x^20) 
>   sage: a in R 
>   True 
>   sage: (0 == x^30 + a) and (x^30 + a == x^30) 
>   True 
>   sage: 0 == x^30 
>   False 
As is the case for every computer algebra system I know about that 
truncated power series.   Incidentally, Macsyma implements a different, 
additional, notion
of  power series wehre they are represented by a formula for the arbitrary 
nth term.

Since we agree that TPS do not form a ring,  why does Sage lie about it?


> > > Real numbers form a field. For any choice of representation some of 
> > > them can be represented exactly on a computer, most can't. When 
> > > doing computations with real numbers... 
> > 
> > So you would say that 3  is approximate, because maybe it is pi, but pi 
> > cannot be represented as an integer.  This point of view seems to me 
> > to be peculiar. 
> Indeed, I would argue that 3 in RealField(100) is approximate. 

I can't see why you would think so.

> For 
> instance the (computable) real number 3.00...001, where the ellipsis is 
> 1000 zeroes, gets mapped to 3 in RealField(100), but is not equal to 3 
> as an actual real number. 

So the number k = 3.000....1 is not in RealField(100).  Who cares?
That does not justify treating 3 as a huge fuzzball.
After all if you believe that all the numbers in RealField are fuzzballs,
why not represent k as the number 5 in RealField(100)? 
Do you have a theory of error in RealField(100)?  I suspect not.

> When speaking of exact/inexact I think it is important, to keep track of 
> what is to be represented. 

Absolute nonsense.

Arithmetic is done on what you are given, not on what someone in the back 
room is thinking.
If you want to compute with numbers that have error bounds or error 
distributions, there
are ways of representing them and doing arithmetic on them.

> Hence the element 3 of RealField(100) is an 
> inexact approximation of a real number since there are many reals that 
> become 3 in RealField(100).


> The element 3 of IntegerRing() is an exact 
> approximation of an integer, since there is only one integer that 
> becomes 3 in IntegerRing(). 

Why do you know that?  What if the integer is read off a (weight) scale that
has gradations at (say) 150, 155, 160, ...   and so the integers 
153,154,155,156,157   all become 155.

> .... 
> > > to only being able to read 3 significant (decimal) figures. 
> > 
(RJF said this....) 

> > Actually this analogy is false.  The 3 digits (sometimes 4) from a 
> > slide rule are the best that can be read out because of the inherent 
> > uncertainty in the rulings and construction of the slide rule, the 
> > human eye reading the lines, etc.   So if I read my slide rule and say 
> > 0.25  it is because I think it is closer to 0.25  than 0.24 or 0.26 
> > There is uncertainty there. If a floating point number is computed as 
> > 0.25, there is no uncertainty in the representation per se.  It is 
> > 1/4, exactly a binary fraction, etc. Now you could use this 
> > representation in various ways, e.g. 0.25+-0.01    storing 2 numbers 
> > representing a center and a "radius" or an interval or ..../   But the 
> > floating point number itself is simply a computer representation of a 
> > particular rational number    aaa x 2^bbb  Nothing more, nothing less. 
> > And in particular it does NOT mean that bits 54,55,56... are 
> > uncertain.  Those bits do not exist in the representation and are 
> > irrelevant for ascertaining the value of the number aaa x 2^bbb. 
> > 
> > So the analogy is false. 
> I think it is again important to remember what is to be represented. If 
> you use floats to express numbers of the form aaa x 2^bbb (with 
> appropriate conditions on aaa and bbb), then sure, floats are an exact 
> representation. However there are many real numbers that are not of 
> this form. 

So you cannot represent them, and it is mostly pointless to discuss what
you would do with them arithmetically.   If I said that I can't represent a
shoe in floating-point, and then proceeded to describe how to do arithmetic
on shoes, socks, etc,  you would probably find this dubious.

> So, if you use floats for real numbers, then they are an 
> inexact representation. In that case the bits 54, 55, 56, ... of the 
> real number are lost in the 53 bit floating point representation. Hence 
> given the 53 bit floating point representation, the bits 54, 55, 
> 56, ... of the real number that it is supposed to represent, are indeed 
> uncertain. (This is simplified since the bit-numbering depends on the 
> exponent.) 

No they are not uncertain.  They are not represented at all.  They are
not part of the number.  If I told you that  3 was of uncertain color --
it might be red, blue, green or some combination,  would that enhance
your arithmetic?


> If you happen to know that the real number that is represented is of the 
> form aaa x 2^bbb (with appropriate conditions on aaa and bbb), then you 
> can reconstruct all those extra bits, and the representation is arguably 
> exact.

No, the number in the computer is exactly the number that is the number. 
 It is not
some other number. 

But how should Sage know that the represented real number is of 
> this form? 

Because that is the number in the computer.  If you want to represent a 
you might use two numbers.   If the computer numbers are fuzzballs , you 
represent a range because the endpoints are fuzzballs,  so you need a range 
them.  Infinite recursion to represent one "real" number?   Eh, not such a 
great idea.

> ... 
> > > Or are you seriously proposing when adding 3.14159 and 1e-100 it 
> > > makes more sense, by default, to pad the left hand side with zeros 
> > > (whether in binary or decimal) and return 3.1415900000...0001 as the 
> > > result? 
> > 
> > If you did so, you would preserve the  identity  (a+b)-a   =  b 
> How would the real number pi be represented in this system? Do you have 
> to explicitly say that you want the first n digits? Or is the padding 
> scheme smart enough to add pi's digits? In the latter case, how do you 
> keep checking (in)equality efficient? 

Well, there is a large literature on how to represent large ranges with 
efficiency.  Papers by Douglas Priest, and more recently, Jonathan Shewchuk.

The real number pi is not a computer-representable floating-point number in 
base 2.
There are other numbers that can be represented, like 22/7. 

> How does (1/3)*3 give? Does it compare equal to 1? I mean, I would 
> imagine 1/3 to be 0.333..., with more digits 3 as I need them, coming 
> from larger and larger 0 paddings of 1 and 3. Supposing this, (1/3)*3 
> would be 0.999..., with more digits 9 as I need them. Will comparing 
> with 1 ever finish? 
> ... 
> > Now if the user specified the kind of arithmetic explicitly, or even 
> > implicitly by saying "use IEEE754 binary floating point arithmetic 
> > everywhere" then I could go along with that. 
> I think you can specify this to some extend. At least 
>   sage: RealField? 
> gives mentions opportunities to tweak precision and rounding. 

There have been various efforts to axiomatize floating-point numbers.
I don't know if the Sage people refer to any of this, but calling something
RealField does not inspire confidence.

> You can 
> use AA if you want exact arithmetic (of real algebraic numbers). I don't 
> think there is a field of computable reals in Sage. 

I am not proposing to use computable reals in any practical sense.
Sort of like Sashimi.   I am happy to look at it, but not eat it.

> ... 
> > > > > > You seem to think that a number of low precision has some 
> > > > > > inaccuracy or uncertainty. Which it doesn't.   0.5 is the same 
> > > > > > number as 0.500000. Unless you believe that 0.5  is  the 
> > > > > > interval [0.45000000000....01, 0.549999..........9] which you 
> > > > > > COULD believe  -- some people do believe this. 
> > > > > > But you probably don't want to ask them about scientific 
> > > > > > computing. 
> Again, I think you should keep track of ambient sets here. For sure, the 
> real numbers 0.5 and 0.5000000 are the same, and real numbers have no 
> uncertainty (when representing real numbers). However, users do not type 
> real numbers. They type finite strings of characters that they probably 
> mean to represent some real number. The _strings_ 0.5 and 0.5000000 are 
> not the same. Hence it might be reasonable to assign different meaning 
> to these strings, as long as the user also has a way to precisely 
> express what is meant. Yet, I'm no expert on scientific computing, so I 
> will leave this be. 

I think I finally agree with you on that last sentence. 

> ... 
> > > > > There's 0.5 the real number equal to one divided by two. There's 
> > > > > also 0.5 the IEEE floating point number, which is a 
> > > > > representative for an infinite number of real numbers in a small 
> > > > > interval. 
> > > > 
> > > > Can you cite a source for that last statement?  While I suppose 
> > > > you can decide anything you wish about your computer, the 
> > > > (canonical?) explanation is that the IEEE ordinary floats 
> > > > correspond to a subset of the EXACT rational numbers equal to 
> > > > <some integer> X 2^<some integer> which is not an interval at all. 
> > > > (there are also inf and nan things which are not ordinary in that 
> > > > sense) 
> > > > 
> > > > So, citation?  (And I don't mean citing a physicist, or someone 
> > > > who learned his arithmetic in 4th grade and hasn't re-evaluated it 
> > > > since. A legitimate numerical analyst.) 
> I am not a numerical analyst, so perhaps the following is naive, but I 
> would really like know where it is flawed or why my assumptions are 
> unreasonable. 
> I call a real number exactly representable when it occurs as an exact 
> value of a float with some bounded number of bits for its exponent. 
> Then when using floats to represent real numbers, you have to decide 
> for each real number x by which exactly representable real number f(x) 
> it should be represented. 

OK, you are positing   (a) not representable real number x and (b) 
representable number y.

You cannot compute representable e = x-y    because then  x is 
representable by y+e.

So whatever you mean by x  you cannot represent.  It because pointless to 
talk about


> I can think of two desirable properties: 
>  * exactly representable real numbers should be represented by 
>    themselves, 

All floating point numbers exactly represent themselves.

>  * the relation <= should be preserved. 
> These properties yield that for each exactly representable real number y 
> the set {x real : f(x) = y} is an interval around y.

What's f?

If you are doing interval arithmetic, please read up on it.  the literature 
for the most part quite accessible.

> Moreover this 
> interval is contained in every interval (a, b) where a and b are exactly 
> representable real numbers with a < y and y < b. 
> Okay, we need some condition on the mantissa and exponent, for if the 
> mantissa and exponent are allowed to be arbitrary integers, a function 
> with these properties fails to exists: Let f be a partial function with 
> the required properties, then the intervals {x real : f(x) = y}, being 
> contained in the intervals (a,b) with a and b exactly representable 
> with a < y < b, necessarily contain only y. Since there are only 
> countable many exactly representable real numbers, each with preimage 
> containing only itself, the domain of definition of f is countable. In 
> particular f is not a total function. 

huh?  I read this twice, and refuse to read it again.

> ... 
> > What this means is that the numbers in the system A and b often come 
> > from the real world and you don't know their true values, just the 
> > values that you measured. 


> > When you enter the data into the computer you put the values for A and 
> > b that are the closest numbers to what you believe.  A major question 
> > in computational linear algebra is how to measure the sensitivity of 
> > the computed solution to slight changes in the initial data.  The 
> > numbers used in solving the system are exactly the represented 
> > floating-point numbers. 
> > 
> > > They're representatives for the actual (either unknown or impossible 
> > > to represent) elements of your data. And, yes, they're also exact 
> > > rational numbers--once again they can be both--but the point is that 
> > > the input and output floating point numbers are viewed as 
> > > perturbations of the (actual) real field elements you care about. 
> > 
> > That does not give you or anyone else permission to say  "oh, this 
> > data might not be right so instead of solving the system as best as 
> > I can, I will use some off-hand rule to clip bits off, since it's just 
> > a perturbation of something".   No, you compute the best you can 
> > with the data you have. 
> You cannot just assume either that the data is exact. 

If you think that there is a better assumption that gives you more 
information than
computing the best you can, plus condition numbers, you are free to offer it
to the numerical linear algebra specialists who have been laboring under 
model for, oh, 60 years.

> Also it makes more sense to me not to do the best you can, but the best 
> you can do efficiently. Trying to do the best you can is of no use if it 
> means running out of memory or taking a year. If doing things 
> efficiently involves some clipping, then that's okay with me, 
> especially if the clipping is configurable.

Since the cost of a floating-point operation is generally constant
these days, you do not get higher efficiency by zeroing-out trailing bits.

Finding results to particular accuracy,  e.g. finding a bounding interval 
for the root of a
polynomial,  can be done by specifying the polynomial and a width.  In this 
"the best" makes no sense.

Assuming that floating-point numbers are dirty out of ignorance, without 
is fundamentally a bad idea.


> Regards, 
> Erik Massop 

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