On Saturday, 30 August 2014 00:35:01 UTC+2, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 5:03 AM, Bill Hart <goodwi...@googlemail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > On Friday, 29 August 2014 13:17:40 UTC+2, Volker Braun wrote: 
> >> 
> >> First of all, it always saddens me when the ugly head of nationalism 
> rears 
> >> its head. I thought the time where we only support German science were 
> >> over... 
> +1 
> > You have misunderstood. When applying for German funding, the rules will 
> > naturally state that the project must benefit the people paying for the 
> > work, namely German companies and Mutter und Vater taxpayer. 
> > 
> > When applying for European funding, the rules will naturally state that 
> the 
> > funding must benefit the people paying for the work, namely the European 
> > Union members. 
> I would say that the beneficiaries are (1) those funded to do the work 
> and (2) all users of the work. It's not like the money would go to the 
> US or even "the project." 

Then the grant would be rejected.

> > The idea that European funds should be used primarily to support an 
> > international project *with no direct benefit to European projects* 
> invoked 
> > in the grant is patently a non-starter. That's just as bad, in my 
> opinion, 
> > as taking public funds to work on a closed source mathematical system! 
> You're a big fan of Julia. However, would you argue that European 
> funds should not be used to support it because it's not a "European 
> Project?" 


> I'd say the criteria would be whether Europeans benefit from 
> Julia (and I one could argue from a protectionist economic perspective 
> whether Europeans are the ones being paid to do the work, though I'd 
> just rather pay the best available person). 
> Sadly, if the people judging these grants have this perspective, one 
> might have to sell efforts like "sage-combinat" as a "European 
> project" rather than part of Sage. 


> I, personally, don't see Sage as belonging to Europeans, it belongs to 
> Mathematicians. 
> > One of the biggest things European software projects like Pari, Gap, 
> Singular need is contributions. I congratulate Peter Bruin on announcing 
> that he is writing a power series module for Sage based on Pari instead of 
> on polynomials. However, in a project like that, I hope that when some 
> functionality (mathematical or otherwise) is perceived to be missing from 
> Pari, that it will be contributed *to the Pari project directly*. And I 
> don't mean as a set of Sage build patches or bug reports. I mean as a set 
> of Pari contributions, to their code base, in their coding style, instead 
> of writing more code in Sage directly! 
> I strongly disagree that the best (or only) way to contribute to Sage 
> is to contribute to some of its component projects,

I didn't say it was.

> and writing more 
> code in Sage directly should be discouraged. Sage is *much* more than 
> just glue, 

I didn't say that.

> which is the perspective you seem to be coming from. That's 
> not to discount the enormous value these projects add to Sage (and it 
> often makes little sense to re-implement existing code) but taking the 
> attitude that all new work should be done in sub-projects and wrapped 
> by Sage is not the best approach, or in my opinion the best way to 
> make a good product. 
I didn't say that.

> Here's some disadvantages of contributing the code directly to X as 
> opposed to Sage: 
>    * It narrows the pool of potential contributors. 
>    * It may not be the best choice of language for a high level 
> algorithm. (Many of these projects were started before high(er) level 
> languages were even an option.) 
>    * Languages, style, conventions (e.g. Pari memory management), 
> development procedures, etc. are not transferable to working on 
> sub-product Y or Z or Sage itself. 
>    * It's harder to find and read the source (unless we make the 
> command-line ?? somehow descend into C libraries), but even then 
> there's probably more indirection. 
>    * It makes it more difficult to integrate with other systems. E.g. 
> if you find yourself needing an algorithm that's in Y but not in X you 
> can't use it. 
>    * It requires the additional step of writing and maintaining 
> wrappers for use in Sage. It's also a two (or more) step process to 
> get the code in X and start using it in Sage (possibly along with Y or 
> Z). 

No wonder the libraries aren't getting contributions.

> I'm not passing judgement on this particular patch, nor saying we 
> shouldn't contribute to sub projects like Pari where it makes sense 
> (especially bug fixes), but there are significant drawbacks as well. 
> I'm also not saying that everything should be implemented in Sage 
> directly. There are things where it makes much more sense to provide a 
> low-level library, in particular functionality with a well-defined 
> purpose and API (e.g. linear algebra, arbitrary precision integers, 
> ...). 
> But if Sage aims to be a system useful for doing mathematics teaching 
> and research, and has any advantage over using one of the subsystems 
> alone, the same advantage would carry over when implementing new 
> functionality. 
> > Why is this important? Because otherwise you would be taking European 
> money and using it to fund a project which originated in the US (I think it 
> fair to call it a US project). It does not enrich European software to be 
> developing Sage. This is crucial from the point of view of referees, in my 
> opinion (again, please bear in mind this is my own personal opinion, and 
> doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of anyone else I have anything to 
> do with). 
> If Pari had been started in the US, or Australia, or Chili, would that 
> make it more or less important to support?


> Even if a European was 
> going to be paid to do the work to satisfy the "keep European money in 
> Europe" bias you're referring to, and they and their European 
> collaborators benefit from this work? 
It's not about who you are paying.

> >> Saying that it is a US (or European) project is just completely wrong. 
> >> 
> > 
> > It was started by William Stein at the University of Washington. A large 
> > portion of the funding that built that project up came from grants of 
> > William Stein and other funding he obtained, including from the NSF. He 
> is 
> > also in the process of trying to build a company in collaboration with 
> the 
> > University of Washington to make money to fund Sage development. 
> > 
> > The Sage Foundation is run through the University of Washington. If I 
> donate 
> > to the project, the money is handled by the University of Washington. 
> > 
> > There is no way that you can justify the assertion that Sage is not 
> > primarily administered out of the US. And it has oodles of unpaid 
> developers 
> > all over the world. 
> As you mention, the primary form of contribution is unpaid developer 
> contributions. Likely the next largest source of "funding" is hosting 
> Sage Days (which are typically sponsored and funded by the hosting 
> organization), only half of which have been in the US. I don't have 
> numbers myself, but I would be extremely surprised if the money 
> handled by UW through the Sage Foundation (outside of that for local 
> Sage Days funding) is not tiny compared to those two largely 
> international sources of support. 


What you don't understand is that in order to *get* European funding, you 
have to satisfy certain criteria. Arguing that Sage is this or that doesn't 
help you *get* the funding.

I'm kinda sick of this subject now. 


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