> Permutation groups used to only handle permutations of 1,..n, and the 
> methods permute_rows and friends of matrices coped with this with an 
> ugly and potentially confusing shift by 1.

EVERYBODY is using those -1 and +1 everywhere. Those 1-based permutations 
are just hell for whoever uses the code. Happens in graphs too, and in 
combinatorial designs.

> After this ticket, 
> permutation of 0,...,n-1 are accepted and handled as can be 
> expected. For permutations of 1..n and subsets thereof, the behavior 
> is unchanged for backward compatibility. 

What about doing the job properly and respecting our own standards ? If you 
want to use 0-based permutations (and I am pretty sure that we all do), 
let's change this %*%*%$(&*(#&%_ permutation class to do what it should 
have been doing all along !


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