On Monday, September 15, 2014 12:30:06 PM UTC+2, mmarco wrote:
> I have purchased one of these boards:
> https://www.olimex.com/Products/OLinuXino/A20/A20-OLinuXino-LIME/open-source-hardware
> And plan to plug in it a  ssd drive to allow fast swap space. I would like 
> to use it to compile sage for raspbian, but there is an issue: the 
> raspberry pi is ARMv6, whereas these boards are ARMv7. Is there a way to 
> tell sage to compile only for a limited set of instructions? 
I'm not sure it will be really easy as some packages will surely 
automagically detect they are running on an ARMv7 board and we don't really 
have magic  in Sage the distrib to prevent them from using specific flags.
You can try to pass stuff into C??FLAGS and so on to trick them to compile 
ARMv6 compatible code, but I don't know to what extent it might be 

Or are you running raspbian and so an ARMv6 only OS on that board?
In that case it might be the case the provided gcc only outputs ARMv6 code 
by default.

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