On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Samuel Lelievre
<samuel.lelie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
> I was beta-testing it since July, and failing to build Sage.
> (Strangely I never thought about using the OSX-10.9 version.
> I just tried and it works! Thanks Stefan for asking the
> question, and Volker for answering it works!)

<idle rambling...>

This pattern has happened with literally every single OS X release:

 - Sage builds on version A

 - Version A+1 is coming soon and Sage doesn't build on it, but
binaries built for A *mostly* work.   Watch out, since usually the
mostly work, but there will be some misc failures.  Do run doctests to
see how bad the situation is.

 - Version A+1 gets released.  Somebody -- e.g., Craig Citro a few
years ago, and most recently Andrew Ohana -- makes a *truly heroic
effort* to get Sage to fully build on version A+1.  It's never easy.
 I remember being completely stumped after a day of trying before
Craig Citro finally got one of the ports to work.  With Andrew Ohana's
porting, I got him a MBP retina laptop in exchange for porting Sage to
run on 10.9 :-).

Maybe you're the hero this time :-)

</idle rambling...>

> About building Sage on Yosemite, here is my experience.
> - While beta-testing Yosemite, I tried to build Sage 6.3.
>   My report on sage-release [1] has links to a few log files.
> - Incidentally I asked on sage-devel [2] about the Sage project
>   getting developer previews of future versions of OS X.
> - Having understood that the bug was with gcc, I then installed
>   homebrew, and used it to install gcc 4.9.1, hoping this would
>   help building Sage, but that failed at a further step, which
>   I reported on sage-release [3] where Volker helped to point
>   the failure to a specific header:
>   """
>   That header is Objective-C, which should never have been
>   included when compiling C sources. Most likely an OSX bug.
>   You can send them a bug report if you like talking at walls...
>   """
> - I don't mind talking at walls and I wanted to report to Apple
>   with some details, but I thought I should first make sure this
>   was not a homebrew thing, so I emailed the homebrew list [4]
>   and someone answered [5] suggesting an experiment (not done).
> - I have now installed the finalized version of Yosemite, and
>   I still have Apple's "Feedback Assistant" from beta-testing.
>   (Plus, Apple tells me I will get betas of the next releases.)
>   So I would love to send feedback to Apple about this issue, but
>   I'm unsure how to formulate the issue, could someone help here?
>   One option would be to point to this thread, but maybe a
>   concise description of the issue would have more chances
>   of being dealt with?
> [1] Discussion on sage-release after Sage 6.3 was released (Aug 2014).
>     https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-release/Ilt8TZdy3H8/YxXy6mDyFEsJ
> [2] Post on sage-devel asking if the Sage project has or could have
>     an Apple developer account, so as to test developer previews of
>     future releases of OS X.
>     https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sage-devel/-sm2ejzcjY8/discussion
> [3] Discussion on sage-release after Sage 6.4.beta3 was released (Sep 2014).
>     https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-release/d7wrbZBZvrI/QtUT295ycVMJ
> [4] My question on the homebrew mailing list:
> http://librelist.com/browser//homebrew/2014/10/11/homebrew-bug-or-osx-bug/#4f32863d45a19e4f340e1f1efd08e897
> [5] An answer to my question on the homebrew mailing list
> http://librelist.com/browser//homebrew/2014/10/11/homebrew-bug-or-osx-bug/#d2586d0f8ca2f240ee3eb51498a9fbcf
> More related links for reference.
> [6] Sage trac #17169: Upgrade to GCC 4.9.1
>     http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17169
> [7] Sage trac #17174: Python _scproxy build fails on Yosemite
>     http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/17174
> [8] Sage trac: non-closed tickets with keyword Yosemite
>     http://trac.sagemath.org/query?status=!closed&keywords=~yosemite
> --
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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