3d graphics inside the ipython notebook is not yet implemented (apart from 
the 2d preview). You can launch an external jmol until that is integrated.

On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 8:05:38 PM UTC+1, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Answer below.
> Le mercredi 22 octobre 2014 19:32:03 UTC+2, kcrisman a écrit :
>> This is #17170
>>> I took some time (at last...) to experiment with sage 6.4beta6 and the 
>>>> new (and impressive !) IPython notebook, and I noticed something curious 
>>>> in 
>>>> the behaviour of graphics in various interfaces.
>>>> - From command line, typing  "plot(sin,[x,-5,5],figsize=3)" [Enter] 
>>>> opens an mage viewer with the resultant curve. Nothing new.
>>>> - From the IPython notebook, started with sage -n ipython, typing 
>>>> "plot(sin,[x,-5,5],figsize=3)" [Enter] gets me the curve.as expected.
>>>> But,
>>>> - From the "classic" notebook, started with sage -n, typing 
>>>> "plot(sin,[x,-5,5],figsize=3)" [Enter] gets me a warning :
>> Yes, please check whether this works on your own platform!  This was a 
>> pretty surprising and obviously major regression but this will hopefully 
>> fix it.  See if you have any caching issues with 3d plots as well, if you 
>> could (that is, evaluating different 3d plots in the same cell - do they 
>> change when "live")? 
> Okay.
> 1) "Classic notebook
> First cell :
> ## Let's go for maximal poor taste :
> var("y")
> p1=plot3d(sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2))/sqrt(x^2+y^2),[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10], 
> opacity=0.5)
> p2=plot3d((x^2+y^2)/100-1,[x,-10,10],[y,-10,10], 
> color="yellow",opacity=0.5)
> (p1+p2)
> Gives nothing unless I add ".show()" at the end of the last line, which 
> gives me the expected jmol figure (my browser bugs me to allow it...).
> Second cell :
> (p1+p2).show()
> Same jmol figure. Same plea from the browser. I use the "advanced 
> controls" to get a mesh and spin it (easier visual control).
> Coming back to first cell,  I change -1 to +1 at the end of the definition 
> of p2, then re-evaluate the cell. The first jmol restarts, re-bugs me, and 
> displays an updated figure. THE SECOND JMOL DOESN'T CHANGE. Is that what 
> you expected ?
> Coming back to the first cell, I try to add :
> p1.show()
> p2.show()
> before the "(p1+p2).show()" statement. Only the last one has an effect.
> Getting back to the second cell, I try to use the "java3d" viewer ; this 
> gives me a faint 3d box, a very faint sketch of the figure and a mention 
> "Click for interactive view" which does nothing.
> Similarly, the "canvas3d" viewer shows me only p1, and is extremely 
> difficult to control from my touchpad.
> Finally, "tachyon" gives me the same very faint image that "java3d" does.
> 2) ipython notebook
> Same results except that 1) the jmol window is not embedded in the 
> worksheet, and 2) it cannot spin the image.
> Trying the "canvas3d" viewer gives an error :
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------UnboundLocalError
>                          Traceback (most recent call 
> last)<ipython-input-7-28ecb40df328> in <module>()----> 1 
> (p1+p2).show(viewer="canvas3d")
> /usr/local/sage-6.3/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/plot/plot3d/base.so
>  in sage.plot.plot3d.base.Graphics3d.show 
> (build/cythonized/sage/plot/plot3d/base.c:15311)()
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'viewer_app' referenced before assignment
> "java3d gives nothing ; "tachyon" a very faint png image in a separate 
> image viewer.
> HTH,
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier

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