I set up some examples, together with output in emacs (sage mode), except 
for plot.

Could you please comment, what you'd like to change?  Except for plot, the 
results seem relatively consistent to me, but of course, this may be 
because I'm using the console.

Thanks for your patience,


sage: g = graphs.RandomGNP(20, 0.5)
sage: m = random_matrix(ZZ, 20)
sage: f = sin(x)
sage: D = DyckWords(20).random_element()
sage: Z = ZZ
sage: all = [g,m,f,D,Z]

# 'repr' and 'str' follow the python strangeness, as explained in 
and return a textual representation of the object.

sage: [repr(e) for e in all]
['RandomGNP(20,0.500000000000000): Graph on 20 vertices',
 '20 x 20 dense matrix over Integer Ring',
 '[1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]',
 'Integer Ring']

sage: [str(e) for e in all]
 '20 x 20 dense matrix over Integer Ring',
 'Integer Ring']

sage: [ascii_art(e) for e in all]
[RandomGNP(20,0.500000000000000): Graph on 20 vertices,
 20 x 20 dense matrix over Integer Ring,
                /\/\/  \                 
       /\/\  /\/        \                
      /    \/            \/\/\           
   /\/                        \      /\  
  /                            \/\  /  \ 
 /                                \/    \,
 Integer Ring]]

sage: [latex(e) for e in all]
# summarizing :-)
[tikz code of the graph, the matrix as a latex array, \sin\left(x\right), 
tikz code of the DyckWord, \Bold{Z}]

sage: [view(e) for e in all]
[None, None, None, None, None]
# but opens a pdf viewer with the latex code typeset.

sage: [pretty_print(e) for e in all]
# no idea what this should do
# in sage 6.5, this seems to always hold html code containing latex code.

sage: [plot(e) for e in all]
# if I understand correctly, it should return a Graphics object, but I'm 
not completely sure what precisely this should contain.  Possibly:
[a drawing of the graph, 
 the matrix interpreted as a contourplot???, 
 a graph of the function with boundaries guessed, 
 probably raise an error for the DyckWord - or should it try to draw the 
word as a path?,
 probably raise an error for IntegerRing]


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