On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 12:35:57 PM UTC-4, Martin R wrote:
> So, plot(x) would have no side effect, instead I would have to call show() 
> on the result?  Slightly weird, but still OK for me.

Not sure I understand, so just to clarify: The current behavior is that 
plot() has no side effects, and p.show() has side effects but no return 

sage: p = plot(sin)     # no side effect, returns graphics object
sage: p                    # displayhook displays graphics

def f():
    p = plot(sin)    # no output
    p                    # no output
    p.show()          # displays graphics, no return value
    pretty_print(p)  # displays graphics, no return value
    plot(sin, show=True)   # displays graphics and returns plot

I'm not a fan of the show=True (typo: not do_show) optional keyword 
argument, but apart from that I don't want to change anything else.

sage: plot(sin, show=True)    # two plots since we explictly display AND 
the display hook hits return value
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

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