Hi everyone,

I encountered a weird behavior while computing the hilbert numerator of 
certain Stanley-Reisner ideals 

It is difficult to give a short, self-contained, correct example since the 
smallest example I can obtain that 
produces the bug involves an ideal with ~2500 generators (of degree 2) on 
around ~70 variables.

Eventhough the ideal is relatively big, I know what it should look like (i 
know the simplicial complex it comes from). 
So I remove from the obtained hilbert numerator the correct solution and I 
find a non-zero polynomial.

I factored this polynomial and found out that the number:

4294967296 (which should ring a bell)

is a factor of the polynomial!

I produced different examples and this number always comes up when I do not 
get the expected hilbert numerator.

It seems that the hilbert numerator uses singular. Can that be that 
singular can not deal with very big integers?? Or with too many variables?

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