On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 8:08 PM, François Bissey
<francois.bis...@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> On 08/17/15 09:46, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
>> And my next question is what should we do currently to make it easy
>> for Sage users to install SymEngine. Should we continue using the spkg
>> to install the C++ dependencies (cmake, the C++ libsymengine.so
>> library) and then use "pip" to install the Python wrappers?
> As far as I can see the biggest obstacle is the inclusion of cmake
> in sage.
> While functionally equivalent autotools has a strong lead in mind
> share and length of its proven record.
> The fact that autotools doesn't need anything to be installed for the
> user deploying is also usually seen as a bonus. If you had
> 50 packages using cmake, having to install one more wouldn't
> seem such a bad deal but that's not where we are.

So now when we agreed to split the C++ library from the Python
wrappers (and use pip for those), the C++ library itself is actually
relatively easy to build, and so in principle we can also support
autotools, especially if we only support the Release configuration
using it. For development we would still use cmake.

But I think getting cmake into Sage would be worthy, there are a lot
of packages that use it and it has wide adoption (e.g. VTK, Paraview,
Piranha, Armadillo, CGAL, Dolfin, Eigen, GiNaC, Gromacs, HPX, ITK,
Lapack, LLVM, MPQC, Trilinos, ...). Even Google trends (I don't know
if it is representative) shows that cmake is more searched than



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