On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, Bruno Grenet wrote:

 2. When renaming a method, should we put an alias, or a deprecated alias?

We could also have "internal deprecation". I.e. remove foo() from all documentation and use only bar(). Then second stage would be real deprecation.

But for now we don't even have a good alias system. See https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19686

 1. Should we use aliases when some object/concept has several names in
     +  Pro: Make the method easier to find
     +  Con: Too many method names makes searching via tab-completion for
        instance more difficult

I guess that mostly I would vote for only one name. But the documentation should contain aliases, so that googlers will found the function. For example documentation of width() of poset contains "The width is also called Dilworth number."

Jori Mäntysalo

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