On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Vincent Delecroix
<20100.delecr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28/06/16 16:04, Erik Bray wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The current ticket workflow in Trac only allows creating new tickets
>> with a status 'new'.  So when posting a branch with proposed changes,
>> for example it is necessary to create the ticket, and then immediately
>> update it to needs_review.
>> This is fine for tickets that don't immediately have code.  But for
>> those that do it would be nice to go straight to needs_review.  Any
>> objection to changing the workflow to allow this?  Perhaps if it
>> helps, we can restrict it to require certain fields to be set (Author,
>> Branch, etc.) to allow setting needs_review at all.
> +1
> I am all for it (with restriction for switching to needs review).

While we're tinkering with the workflow, I think we need to change the
workflow associated with testing changes.

Currently the release manager *closes* a ticket and marks it as
"fixed" when merging the change for testing.  This really makes no
sense--if the tests fail the issue is not "fixed".  After
"positive_review" can we add a "in testing" status or the like (from
which the next stages can be either back to "needs_work" or

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