On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 11:58 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Erik Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:14 PM, leif <not.rea...@online.de> wrote:
>>> Erik Bray wrote:
>>>> While we're tinkering with the workflow, I think we need to change the
>>>> workflow associated with testing changes.
>>>> Currently the release manager *closes* a ticket and marks it as
>>> s/currently the release manager/the current release manager/ ;-)
>> Yes, but I didn't want to imply "fault" here or anything like that.
>> Volker does what's best for Volker and that's completely fine.
>> The problem is that there aren't any documented procedures (that I
>> know of!) for how testing of issues, merging, and releases should be
>> handled.  So the correct procedure *is* whatever the current release
>> manager does.  That, I do have a problem with, though it's nobody's
>> fault.
> Erik,
> You are just begging to take a *turn* as release manager...

Well no, definitely not.  Especially not in the way the role is
currently defined.  That's a large part of the point--the current
definition of the role puts far too much work on one person, and
there's no enough documentation to make it easier to share the burden.

One thing that will help, which has already been discussed up-thread,
is having Trac help take care of the little nitty-gritty checks on
tickets.  I want to make life easier for whoever is the release
manager, who shouldn't have to have much to do except when it comes
time to make actual releases.

> Incidentally, when I stopped being release manager, after several
> years when I suddenly realized that I wasn't the only person in the
> world who could do it, we had rotating release managers for a while...
> which resulted in documenting workflows at the time.        I don't
> want to speak for Volker [*], but I imagine he might enjoy taking a
> little break?
>  - William
> [*] who is ridiculously good at release managing Sage, to put it
> mildly.  Doing Sage release management is very, very difficult.

Yep. Absolutely none of this is to criticize Volker.  I think we
should make his life easier.

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