Hi All,
thank you very much for all the inputs!

> Breath-first search = Search & pray? ;-)
> (Possibly infinite apnoea can't be healthy.)

/me fails

> Well, one usually implements checkpoints for such things (continually
> saving state to optionally resume later if interrupted).

I am not sure what data to store nor if it is a good compromise, I will think
about this a little but I guess Sébastien gave me a way out of this.

> Are you really getting benefit from storing the state (i.e., the actual
> iterator) on the parent itself? (I see you haven't made ClusterAlgebra
> UniqueRepresentation, so it's not an immediate bug to have it this way)
> Perhaps it's cleaner to hand out iterator objects that are kept track
> of in the relevant loop. That iterator would then just die whenever the
> frames of a KeyboardInterrupt exception are discarded and the flawed
> state wouldn't persist.

The main benefit I get from storing the iterator is that, if the user is
careful in calling the various functions with reasonable stopping points, the
code never has to start searching from scratch. For example currently

    sage: A = ClusterAlgebra(['A',2,1])
    sage: A.explore_to_depth(10)
    sage: A.explore_to_depth(11)

effectively only traverses the tree once to depth 11. If I were not to store
the iterator then I would be traversing the tree twice. And unfortunately
this is expensive.

> Using "yield" is a convenient way of writing simple iterators, but it
> is in no way the only way of doing it. When you explicitly store state
> yourself it is much easier to define the right behaviour in the face of
> unexpected interrupts.

I never thought of this before.

> IMHO iterators must not have global state, which is really just a
> corollary to "global variables are bad". In particular, iterating twice
> simultaneously should work. With the exception of input iterators of
> course, but iterating over a tree doesn't consume it.

I agree in principle with the idea that "global variables are bad" but how do
you avoid to perform expensive computations multiple times?

> Do you know about
> sage: RecursivelyEnumeratedSet?

No and it looks extremely promising! Unfortunately the graph I have has
only a symmetric structure so it looks like I will not be able to use any
parallelization (unless there is some other wonder piece of code I know
nothing about!!!).

> I let you look whether KeyboardInterrupts works ok for your need, but
> consider including your tree iterator into these existing modules (I
> will be willing to review your code).

At this point I definitely intend to try RecursivelyEnumeratedSet; I'll keep
you posted on the outcome and hold you to the promise of a review!


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