Indeed RecursivelyEnumeratedSet seems to be a good fit for my needs.
The only problem I encountered so far is that it does not handle
KeybordInterrupts nicely either: if you interrupt the computation of
graded_component(n) then graded_component(m) with m<n still produce the
desired input while all the remaining m raise a StopIterator.

* Sébastien Labbé <> [2016-08-23 00:51:34]:

>      > Are you really getting benefit from storing the state (i.e., the
>      actual
>      > iterator) on the parent itself? (I see you haven't made
>      ClusterAlgebra
>      > UniqueRepresentation, so it's not an immediate bug to have it this
>      way)
>      > Perhaps it's cleaner to hand out iterator objects that are kept
>      track
>      > of in the relevant loop. That iterator would then just die
>      whenever the
>      > frames of a KeyboardInterrupt exception are discarded and the
>      flawed
>      > state wouldn't persist.
>      The main benefit I get from storing the iterator is that, if the
>      user is
>      careful in calling the various functions with reasonable stopping
>      points, the
>      code never has to start searching from scratch. For example
>      currently
>      Â  Â  sage: A = ClusterAlgebra(['A',2,1])
>      Â  Â  sage: A.explore_to_depth(10)
>      Â  Â  sage: A.explore_to_depth(11)
>      effectively only traverses the tree once to depth 11. If I were not
>      to store
>      the iterator then I would be traversing the tree twice. And
>      unfortunately
>      this is expensive.
>    The method graded_component does exactly what you want. See
>    enumerated_set.pyx#L607
>    Â
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