Jeroen Demeyer writes:
> On 2016-09-10 00:03, Paul Masson wrote:
>> Why would recythonizing be necessary when only changing the same file on
>> the same branch?
> You are not changing just one file. When you checkout a new branch, a 
> lot of files get changed. When you checkout the old branch again, a lot 
> of files get changed again. The fact that they are changed to have the 
> same content that they originally had, is irrelevant. As far as the 
> filesystem is concerned, those files are changed.

Yes, and even fixing Cythonizing to using file hashes is only a partial
solution, right: Make would still cause huge recompilations all over the
place, AFAIK.

I've completely stopped jumping directly between tickets, and always use
the following schema for checking out a ticket:

$ git checkout develop
$ git trac pull develop
$ Run "make" if develop was not up to date
$ git checkout -b <ticketno>_<ticket-description>
$ git trac pull <ticketno>

If I already had a branch checking out #ticketno, then I'll delete it
first. This way, you'll never inadvertently check out an old releases of
Sage. I'm sure many developers are using variations of this schema.

IMHO, this or a similar way of checking out should be the recommended
one in the Sage Developer's manual. It would save a lot of people a lot
of compilation time.


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