Am Samstag, 19. November 2016 21:23:10 UTC+1 schrieb Maxie Schmidt:
> Thanks for all of the suggestions. I think I will start by getting all of 
> Martin's package routines working under a single wrapper function and try 
> to improve from there.
I think that one question is how you want to represent the result of a 
"guess".  The fricas package always returns a list of elements of the 
fricas domain "Expression Integer", which is roughly equivalent to 
SymbolicRing in sage.  For example:

sage: list_g = fricas("guessADE([n^n/factorial n for n in 1..40])"); list_g

                                                            2      3
     n          ,            3        2                   9x    32x       4
 [[[x ]f(x): - f (x) + x f(x)  + 2f(x) = 0,f(x)= 1 + 2x + --- + ---- + O(x 
                                                           2      3
sage: g = list_g[0]
sage: g.eval("[n=50]")


The FriCAS "type" of g above is Expression Integer, but I don't think there 
is an exact equivalent in the current SymbolicRing, because g contains the 
differential equation, the initial values and (hidden in the display) a 
(slow, but generic) function that computes an arbitrary term.

I assume a convenient possibility would be to create a sage class that 
wraps this information...

The only thing I'm a little concerned about if this would eventually get 
> bundled in Sage is getting the FriCAS source for the first package 
> installed. My Debian box doesn't have FriCAS or Axiom bundled with my 
> from source Sage install, and I remember a while back having multiple 
> issues getting FriCAS installed on a Gentoo machine. 


Are you saying that "sage -i fricas" does/did not work?


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