For the hell of it, I tried this installer on a "spare" Windows VM.

Bravo, bravissimo ! Now, there might be some use to all those Windows 

I tried to install some optional package ; it turns out that the installed 
setup isindeed  minimal :

(sage-sh) charpent@DESKTOP-P0B7HOE:~$ time ( for i in database_gap dot2tex 
giac giacpy_sage ; do sage -i $i ; done )
/opt/sagemath-7.4/src/bin/sage: ligne 302: make : commande introuvable
/opt/sagemath-7.4/src/bin/sage: ligne 302: make : commande introuvable
/opt/sagemath-7.4/src/bin/sage: ligne 302: make : commande introuvable
/opt/sagemath-7.4/src/bin/sage: ligne 302: make : commande introuvable

Either that or the necessary utilities are out of Sage-subshell's reach.

A bit of Windows-specific documentation is needed. A (relatively) 
inexperienced user should not have to struggle to find :

   - How to open a cygwin console (as opposed to a Sage subshell) in the 
   setup created by the installer.
   - What (and how) to install in order  to install optional packages.
   - What (and how) to install in order to recompile (e. g. testing a git 
   - A pointer to Cygwin docs.
   - Advice about what should be installed under cygwin and what should be 
   installed outside (e. g. emacs, TeX, various Unix-like tools).
   - Advice about how to use Sage-installed programs outside of Sage (e. g. 
   Maxima, lisp, Python, etc...).

I'll play a bit more with that setup (and, of course, report errors an 
quirks). But my first impression is that it *is* a vast improvement over 
the VM solution.

A big "thank you" on behalf of Windows-stranded users !

Emmanuel Charpentier

Le mercredi 7 décembre 2016 16:39:25 UTC+1, Erik Bray a écrit :
> Hi all, 
> TL;DR: if you have a 64-bit Windows (Windows 7 and up should work) 
> please demo and give me your thoughts on the new build of Sage for 
> Windows using the installer at [1]. 
> Some of you may recall that this spring I worked on a Windows 
> installer for Sage [2] based on Docker.  The use of Docker was an 
> attempt at an end-run around a working Sage for Windows--the installer 
> was a complicated contraption that installed and configured Docker for 
> Windows and tried to make Sage work on that in a manner as transparent 
> as possible to the user (the point here being that while Sage works 
> well in Docker, configuring and using Docker--especially on 
> Windows--is complicated enough to present a significant hurdle 
> especially to novice users who should have a simple "point and click" 
> experience). 
> Many of you were very helpful in testing out my builds of that 
> installer and providing feedback, and I was grateful.  However, while 
> I was able to make this approach work on some level it was still 
> fragile and at times difficult.  I outlined the problems with the 
> approach at [3]. 
> Since then I have worked to create a build of Sage that works 100% 
> "natively" on Windows using Cygwin (the quotes indicating that while 
> it is ultimately, through Cygwin, using native Windows system calls 
> that fact is significantly obscured by Cygwin, and relatively few 
> actual source code changes are needed to Sage or its dependencies to 
> support that :) 
> Although no official release of Sage yet supports Cygwin fully, I have 
> a branch of Sage 7.4 with a few additional fixes needed for full 
> Cygwin support.  This is a "fully functional" build insofar as all 
> `sage -t -a --long` tests pass* (though no optional packages are 
> included yet).  There may also be as of yet unseen issues with 
> parallel processing--although all the tests do pass, Cygwin's fork() 
> implementation can be fragile, and I wouldn't count out the 
> possibility of problems even if I haven't seen them yet.  Otherwise 
> the system is pretty functional, especially for beginners--this 
> includes running the Jupyter notebook with the Sage kernel. 
> The only other issue to be aware of is due to the large number of 
> files installed and heavy compression the installer takes a while to 
> run (around 15 minutes on my machine) so get it started, then go get a 
> coffee and chat with some colleagues before coming back to it :) 
> Thanks, 
> Erik 
> * The tests pass in my local build system, but still have some 
> failures in the "installed" build from this installer--this still has 
> a few failures mostly due to issues with the installation environment, 
> but nothing serious AFAICT. 
> §FAQs 
> ===== 
> - Why can't Windows just use the Sage VM appliance? 
> They can, but I hope it shouldn't need to be said that this is hardly 
> ideal.  Windows users, especially students and researchers, should be 
> able to run Sage on their own computer without the hassles associated 
> with virtualization. 
> - Have you tried the Windows Subsystem for Linux (aka "Bash for Windows")? 
> I've addressed this before, but since it seems to come up every time I 
> mention Sage on Windows: Yes, this has been considered and has 
> promise.  Early experiments with running the Sage binary build on WSL 
> showed some success, but with caveats.  Bill Hart has a nice writeup 
> at [4].  I have also heard of issues with building Sage from source on 
> the WSL. 
> That said, in its current form the WSL does not address all the goals 
> of this installer.  For one it is not accessible to all Windows 
> users--it is only available as of the Windows 10 "Anniversary Update", 
> and not on any earlier Windows versions many of which (especially 
> Windows 7 and up) are still common in the wild.  Second of all, by 
> Microsoft's own insistance it is designed to be a tool for developers, 
> so that developers working on Windows can more easily test their 
> software against and run POSIX-based development tools.  It is not 
> meant for production environments or as a software installation 
> system.  While it certainly *could*, in theory, be used that way it is 
> not well set up for that.  Enabling the feature is a somewhat involved 
> process (especially for novices) and requires some large downloads 
> (larger even than the Sage installer :)  It is not a particularly 
> accessible process, and is not easily encapsulated in some kind of 
> stand-alone installer. 
> Finally, at least for now, it's still in "beta" and has a number of 
> known issues anyways.  While it may eventually as people learn to 
> exploit it more effectively, for now Cygwin remains the most portable 
> and well-tested POSIX emulation layer for Window, even if it has its 
> own issues. 
> [1] 
> [2] 
> [3] 
> [4] 

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