On 03/15/2017 08:18 AM, Simon King wrote:
> Assume there is ticket 1234 that depends on ticket 987. Moreover,
> assume that 987 needs work. Would it still be possible to give
> a positive review to 1234? Of course, 1234 would only be merged 
> after 987 received a positive review, too.
> I recall that in the past (but it could be a sweet memory from
> pre-git era) I was told that it *is* possible: The review of 1234
> is (at least as a rule of thumb) based on the changes introduced 
> in 1234 on top of its dependencies. However, Vincent recalls the
> opposite.

It's possible, but asking for trouble. If 1234 depends on 987, then it's
possible that the reviewer in 987 could say "I don't like any of this,
throw it out and start over," after which the fix in 987 might not look
anything like what you thought it would when you fixed 1234. If 987 then
gets set to "positive review", the release manager will merge the (now
broken) 1234 on top of it.

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