On May 27, 2017 11:32 AM, "Jeroen Demeyer" <jdeme...@cage.ugent.be> wrote:

Otherwise it sets `$(inst_<spkg>)` to a
> dummy file that always exists (this way any dependencies for that
> package are still satisfied, but the spkg is never actually
> built/installed).

Let me mention *why* I came up with this dummy file: even if configure
detects that a Sage package is not needed, it can still be explicitly
installed by

sage -i PKGNAME    # This is essentially the same as "make PKGNAME"

If I understand your proposal, if a system package is used, sage -i PKGNAME
will *not* install the Sage package since the "spkg" is satisfied by the
system package.

Personally, I find it more intuitive if "sage -i PKGNAME" would
unconditionally install the Sage package PKGNAME, even if PKGNAME was
detected as system package

I'll respond in more detail later but I agree with you completely here.

By default, all packages would be installed from the sage-dist source
> as is the case now.

I wonder why you propose this. The reason why we check for gcc for example
is because we want to avoid building the Sage package if we can. If you go
to the trouble of adding a check for system packages, the default should be
to *not* install the Sage package if the system package works.

This is the kind of detail that I think is arguable and why I wanted to
write a long message explaining it :)

The reason I proposed this was just to change as little as possible about
the current behavior (something like GCC would be a special case). Another
reason is that checking for every package would make configure take a lot
longer, though I do think the results of those checks should be cached, so
maybe most of the time it would not be too bad.

I'd be fine with going either way. The --with-system-all option would
basically be the behavior of checking for every package. The question is
whether it should error if a package isn't found, or just build the
sage-dist package. (Or there can be a flag for that behavior in which case
the question is what the default should be).

Apart from these two points, I totally agree with your post. Now to find a
volunteer to implement all that :-)

I'm volunteering! I just wanted to run the idea by people in detail first.


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