On Wed, 23 Aug 2017, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:

Thank you for doing this. Do you want to add this as a file into the
$SAGE_SRC/sage/tests? How long does it take to run these tests on your

Since they are around 1 second, you could add the test code to our tests folder with one 
to a few "generic" examples
marked with "# long time". That way anyone who wants to run more stress testing 
can easily do so (as opposed to, e.g.,
posting the code on your homepage).

So the use would be something like

sage: from some.place.tests import test_finite_lattice
sage: for L in big_list_of_random_lattices:
sage:     test_finite_lattice(L)
sage: print("All OK")


This could also be used as a function to run timing benchmarks on Sage as well.

Not really, as some tests take so much more time. But they could find a bug-like time regression in some specific function -- if something very odd happens and for example is_modular() takes a minute instead of few milliseconds, it would be noticed.

Jori Mäntysalo

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